
Primary LanguageSwift

BySykkel Playground


  • Xcode or Xcode beta or from AppStore.
  • git clone git@github.com:Torsph/BySykkel.git
  • cd BySykkel
  • open BySykkel.playground or open BySykkel/BySykkel.xcodeproj

How to run


After opening the playground it should be as easy as clicking the little play button, but it usually just play it self automagically. You may need to open the assistent editor (cmd + option + enter) to show the live view.

Project with tests

There is no way to run tests from playground today so there repo containts a project that could run both unit test and ui tests.

  • CMD + R will run the app
  • CMD + U will run the unit test and UI test.



BySykkel.playground is where the code is runned from. To make it work you need to supply your token inside the token variable. It initializes a BySykkelAPI, that is injected into the BySykkelViewModel and further injected into the BySykkelViewController. The BySykkelViewController will act as the liveView that is presented in the playground.

Most of the source code is under the Source folder and will be automatically compiled by Xcode. So nothing special is need to be done.


The project is mostly the same as the playground, but there is some extra files since we need to it as an app. (AppDelegate etc) It also includes a new BySykkelMapViewController that shares the BySykkelViewModel with the BySykkelViewController. The reason for this is to share the data between both viewControllers instead of loading the data twice. It switches the BySykkelViewModel.delegate to the viewController that is displayed.

Two test folders, BySykkelTests and BySykkelUITests, has been added to test the code. Im currently mocking the network calls in the unit test with some easy homemade mocking tool. It basically subclasses the URLSession and returns the provided result instead of going to the network.

Currently the UITests goes to the internet because its no good way to mock requests when you don't have access to the source code because of how UITests are done Xcode/Simulator. There is tools and ways to make it possible, but it will require to much work for a small assignment like this.

General information

If you are not that familiar with swift and its syntax the code that uses $0 $1 etc in BySykkelModel.swift may look abit weird. But its nothing more then a shorthand syntax for argument names. Where $0 is the first argument, $1 the second, etc.

Futher work

The current network solution is pretty easy with no parallel loading of the request. I wanted to add Operation and OperationQueues that would make it possible to set up two operations that could run i paralell and then have one operation depending those two operations. The reason for not adding this is the boilerplate you need to add. In a bigger project it would make sense, but here it would just make the code harder to read/understand if you don't know how apple's operation code works.