OpenMod Plugins

Installing and Managing OpenMod Plugins

  • To install a plugin, run the command openmod install <NuGet Package ID>.
  • To update plugins, run openmod update <NuGet Package ID>.
  • To uninstall a plugin, run openmod uninstall <NuGet Package ID>.

For more information, use the help command: e.g. use help openmod install.

OpenMod Plugins List

Name NuGet Package ID Author Platform Description License Source Code
DeathMessenger Tortellio.DeathMessenger Tortellio unturned Sending death messages based on player death causes. EUPL-1.2 Github
NewEssentials Kr4ken.NewEssentials Kr4ken unturned The new essential plugin for Unturned. This project aims to be a replacement for uEssentials built on OpenMod. GPL-3.0-only GitHub
OpenMod RocketMod Bridge OpenMod.Rocket.Unturned OpenMod unturned Legacy RM4 support for OpenMod MIT GitHub
OpenMod RocketMod Permission Link OpenMod.Rocket.PermissionLink OpenMod unturned Makes RM4 use OpenMod Permissions EUPL-1.2 GitHub
Player Info Library Pustalorc.PlayerInfoLib.Unturned Pustalorc unturned Player Info Library, store information about all your players. EUPL-1.2 GitHub
Permission Extensions DiFFoZ.PermissionExtensions DiFFoZ unturned Add support prefix, suffix, and color for OpenMod GPL-3.0-only GitHub
Global Ban Pustalorc.GlobalBan Pustalorc unturned Keep bans globally between servers. Supports HWID & IP banning. EUPL-1.2 Github


Before adding your plugin to this list, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Your plugin does not violate any copyright.
  • The plugin is licensed under an open source license.
  • The plugin package is already published on
  • The source code is available publicly (e.g. on GitHub).

After ensuring you meet these conditions, you can add your plugin:

  • Go to
  • Click on File->Paste table data...
  • Paste the table from above and click load.
  • Add your plugin(s) in alphabetical order, based on the name. Plugins abusing the alphabetical ordering will be rejected.
  • Add your license as SPDX identifier. See here for SPDX identifiers.
  • Keep your descriptions as short as possible.
  • Create a pull request.