
serialize into/deserialize from msgpack.org[C++11]

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C/C++ CI Version LICENSE

serialize/deserialize into/from msgpack.

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <wad/default_archiver.hpp>
#include <wad/interface.hpp>
#include <wad/in_place.hpp>
#include <wad/string.hpp>
#include <wad/vector.hpp>
#include <wad/map.hpp>

namespace user
struct defined
    std::string         name;
    std::vector<double> values;
    std::map<std::string, int> nums;

    template<typename Archiver>
    bool archive(Archiver& arc) const
        return wad::archive<wad::type::map>(arc,
            "name", name, "values", values, "nums", nums);
} // user

int main()
    std::vector<user::defined> uds = {/* ... */};

    wad::write_archive sink;
    if(!wad::save(sink, uds)) {return 1;}

    // ...

    wad::read_archive src("checkpoint.msg");
    if(!wad::load(src, uds)) {return 1;}

    // ...

    return 0;

The user-interface is strongly inspired by Boost.serialization and cereal.

Table of Contents


wad does not intend to be a general-purpose msgpack parser. It directly serializes your class into and deserializes your class from msgpack, without any internal representation.

wad does not plan to be a multi-format serializer. It uses msgpack only.

wad intends to be a simple, small library that enables you to serialize and deserialize your class into/from msgpack.

Supported Types

Basic types and STL classes listed below are supported. By including the header file, you can save/load it into/from msgpack.

types header file
bool wad/boolean.hpp
integers wad/integer.hpp
enums wad/enum.hpp
float and double wad/floating.hpp
std::complex wad/complex.hpp
std::string wad/string.hpp
std::vector wad/vector.hpp
std::array wad/array.hpp
std::deque wad/deque.hpp
std::list wad/list.hpp
std::forward_list wad/forward_list.hpp
std::valarray wad/valarray.hpp
std::set wad/set.hpp
std::unordered_set wad/unordered_set.hpp
std::map wad/map.hpp
std::unordered_map wad/unordered_map.hpp
std::pair wad/pair.hpp
std::tuple wad/tuple.hpp
std::queue wad/queue.hpp
std::unique_ptr wad/unique_ptr.hpp
std::atomic wad/atomic.hpp
std::bitset wad/bitset.hpp
std::optional wad/optional.hpp
RNGs (e.g. mt19937) wad/random.hpp
user-defined classes wad/interface.hpp

User-defined Class

By defining one of the following member or non-member functions, you can serialize your class to msgpack with wad.

save() and load() member methods

wad::save(arc, x) function finds your x.save(arc) member method. The same applies to wad::load.

Because save function does not change the state of *this object, it must be marked as const. On the other hand, load must not be marked as const.

struct X
    std::string  a;
    double       b;
    std::int32_t c;

    template<typename Archiver>
    bool save(Archiver& arc) const
        return wad::save<wad::type::map>(arc, "a", a, "b", b, "c", c);
    template<typename Archiver>
    bool load(Archiver& arc)
        return wad::load<wad::type::map>(arc, "a", a, "b", b, "c", c);

Non-intrusive save() and load() methods

wad finds save and load function through argument dependent lookup (ADL). If you define save and load function in your namespace, wad calls them.

namespace foo {
struct X
    std::string  a;
    double       b;
    std::int32_t c;
template<typename Archiver>
bool save(Archiver& arc, const X& x)
    return wad::save<wad::type::map>(arc, "a", x.a, "b", x.b, "c", x.c);
template<typename Archiver>
bool load(Archiver& arc, X& x)
    return wad::save<wad::type::map>(arc, "a", x.a, "b", x.b, "c", x.c);
} // namespace foo

archive() method

In many cases, the save() and load() function looks similar.

archive method works in both ways, save and load, depending on the archiver passed.

Because it loads and changes the state of *this object, it must not be marked as const.

struct X
    std::string  a;
    double       b;
    std::int32_t c;

    template<typename Archiver>
    bool archive(Archiver& arc)
        return wad::archive<wad::type::map>(arc, "a", a, "b", b, "c", c);


Currently, loading a polymorphic type through archive method is not supported.

To save the state of the base class, pass base_of<Base>(this) to wad::save and load function. It should be passed as the second argument, immediately after archiver.

struct Base
    std::string  s;
    virtual ~Base() = default;

    template<typename Arc>
    bool save(Arc& arc) const
        return wad::save<wad::type::map>(arc, "s", s);
    template<typename Arc>
    bool load(Arc& arc)
        return wad::load<wad::type::map>(arc, "s", s);

struct Derived : Base
    std::int32_t i;
    double       d;
    ~Derived() override = default;

    template<typename Arc>
    bool save(Arc& arc) const
        return wad::save<wad::type::map>(arc,
                wad::base_of<Base>(this), "i", i, "d", d);
    template<typename Arc>
    bool load(Arc& arc)
        return wad::load<wad::type::map>(arc,
                wad::base_of<Base>(this), "i", i, "d", d);

To load Derived through Base, you need to tell the relationship to the polymorphic loader and define the name of the derived type. To achieve that, specialize the following class.

namespace wad {
struct register_subclass<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>
    static constexpr const char* name() noexcept {return "extlib::Derived";}
    static const registered<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived> bound;
const registered<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>
    register_subclass<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>::bound;
} /* wad */

Archiver requirements

You can use your own archive class in wad::save, wad::load, wad::archive functions.

Note: wad::archive(arc, ...) function checks if arc has sink() or src() method and dispatch save(arc, ...) or load(arc, ...) depending on the provided member method. If arc supports both, the overload resolution becomes ambiguous. To use wad::archive method with your archiver, it should have only one of those member methods.

Writable archiver requiremnets

class write_archiver
    // return type of sink.
    using sink_iterator = Iterator;

    // Return an iterator through which the binary will be written.
    // iterator value_type should be a `char`.
    Iterator sink() noexcept;

    // Check if we can write some bytes in to the buffer.
    bool is_writable(const std::size_t) const noexcept;

    // Advance the internal pointer.
    void advance(const std::size_t) noexcept;

    // Retrace the internal pointer.
    void retrace(const std::size_t) noexcept;

    // Save the current location
    Location npos() const noexcept;

    // restore the status to the passed location
    void seek(const Location&) noexcept;

Readable archiver requiremnets

class read_archiver

    // return type of sink.
    using src_iterator = Iterator;

    // Return an iterator through which the binary will be read.
    // iterator value_type should be a `char`.
    Iterator src() const noexcept;

    // Check if we can read some bytes in to the buffer.
    bool is_readable(const std::size_t) const noexcept;

    // Advance the internal pointer.
    void advance(const std::size_t) noexcept;

    // Retrace the internal pointer.
    void retrace(const std::size_t) noexcept;

    // Save the current location
    Location npos() const noexcept;

    // Restore the status to the passed location
    void seek(const Location&) noexcept;

Binding your archiver to the polymorphic loader

To use your archiver with a polymorphic class, you need to bind them explicitly to subclass relationships. By specifying your archiver as type arguments of bind_archivers that will be passed to the registere_subclass::bound, the polymorphic loader will recognize your archiver.

namespace wad {
struct register_subclass<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>
    static constexpr const char* name() noexcept {return "extlib::Derived";}
    static const registered<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived> bound;
const registered<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>
    register_subclass<extlib::Base, extlib::Derived>::bound(
        bind_archivers<your_write_archiver, your_read_archiver>{});
} /* wad */


Licensing terms

This product is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

  • Copyright (c) 2020 Toru Niina

All rights reserved.