
Graphene Django v3 Bug Report

Primary LanguagePython

Bug Report Example for Swallowed Exceptions

To test, please use:

  1. For expected Exception being entirely swallowed.
query {
  allCategories {

Expected behavior: Exception with stack trace visible in console. Actual behavior: No Exception printed to console. Only output: [27/Jul/2023 08:23:32] "POST /graphql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 143

  1. For unexpected exception being entirely swallowed.
query {
  allIngredients {

Expected behavior: Exception with stack trace visible in console. Actual behavior: No Exception printed to console. Only output: [27/Jul/2023 08:24:09] "POST /graphql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 137

  1. For caught exception with print() printing to console.
query {
  category {

Expected behavior: Exception Message printed to console. Actual behavior: Exception Message printed to console.

Cookbook Example Django Project

This example project demos integration between Graphene and Django. The project contains two apps, one named ingredients and another named recipes.

Getting started

First you'll need to get the source of the project. Do this by cloning the whole Graphene repository:

# Get the example project code
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-django.git
cd graphene-django/examples/cookbook-plain

It is good idea (but not required) to create a virtual environment for this project. We'll do this using virtualenv to keep things simple, but you may also find something like virtualenvwrapper to be useful:

# Create a virtualenv in which we can install the dependencies
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Now we can install our dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now setup our database:

# Setup the database
./manage.py migrate

# Load some example data
./manage.py loaddata ingredients

# Create an admin user (useful for logging into the admin UI
# at
./manage.py createsuperuser

Now you should be ready to start the server:

./manage.py runserver

Now head on over to and run some queries! (See the Graphene-Django Tutorial for some example queries)

Testing local graphene-django changes

In requirements.txt, replace the entire graphene-django=... line with the following (so that we install the local version instead of the one from PyPI):

../../  # graphene-django