
A vim dark colorscheme based on vim-hybrid

Primary LanguageVimL

A vim 256color scheme

    __               __     ___   ___________
   / /   ____ ______/ /_   |__ \ / ____/ ___/
  / /   / __ `/ ___/ __/   __/ //___ \/ __ \ 
 / /___/ /_/ (__  ) /_    / __/____/ / /_/ / 
/_____/\__,_/____/\__/   /____/_____/\____/  


last256 is a dark vim color-scheme, it was created based on vim-hybrid.

  • Xresource color supports was removed

  • Some colors/highlightings were changed, e.g. visual selection, cursorLine, background (Normal) ...

  • Some hi-groups were added: FIXME, Important, MK1, MK2, MK3:(screenshot see below section)

      autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd("Important","!Important!")
      autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd("MK1","!MARK1")
      autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd("MK2","!MARK2")
      autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd("MK3","!MARK3")
      autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd("FIXME","FIXME")


  • gvim7.3 (linux, windows and Mac)
  • vim7.3 on Terminal, a 256 color enabled terminal is required


for a colorscheme readme, screenshots might be the most important section:

All screenshots were taken from terminal vim 7.3 with tmux under urxvt

###new hi-groups: hi-groups

###Vimscript: Vimscript

###VimHelp: VimHelp

###python: python

###Java: java

###Ruby: ruby

###Shell: shell

###xml: xml

###HTML: html

###Javascript: js

###Markdown: md

###Diff: diff

" vim: ft=markdown sw=2 ts=2