
This project provides an spring boot Starter that facilitate common requirements of a rest server like filling MDC parameters , logging http request and response with ability to mask sensitive data in header and body, and simple metrics logging.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project provides an Spring-Boot Starter that facilitate common requirements of a rest server like filling MDC parameters , logging http request and response with ability to mask sensitive data in header and body, and simple metrics logging.


The tosan-httpserver-spring-boot-starter brings most of the required configuration with it, therefore you only need to add it as a maven dependency and enable the desired functionality.


mdc filter

one of the common requirements of Http server is providing correct mdc parameters in order to trace request easily. to reach this goal a filter name HttpMdcFilter is provided. The order of this filter is -300. this bean is defined by default as below:

    public HttpMdcFilter httpMdcFilter(MdcUtil mdcUtil) {
        return new HttpMdcFilter(mdcUtil);

to customize excluded url patterns you can define your own filter bean as below. in this example url with pattern '/testUrl' will be excluded from MdcFilter.

    public HttpMdcFilter httpMdcFilter(MdcUtil mdcUtil) {
        HttpMdcFilter httpMdcFilter = new HttpMdcFilter(mdcUtil);
        List<String> excludeUrlPatterns = Collections.singletonList("/testUrl");
        return httpMdcFilter;

in order to specify mdc parameters processed by HttpMdcFilter, MdcFilterConfig must be defined. default config is as below:

    @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "http-server-util-mdc-filter-config")
    public MdcFilterConfig mdcFilterConfig() {
        List<HttpHeaderMdcParameter> list = new ArrayList<>();
        return new MdcFilterConfig(list);

this config consist mainly of a list of HttpHeaderMdcParameter object that have below parameters:

headerParameterName: parameter name define in http request header

mdcParametersName: parameter name in MDC

replaceUnfreeCharacters: check unfree characters and replace to new character

randomParameter: object related to parameter random generation if parameter is not sent in http request

random parameter generation will be applied when random parameter is set and header parameter is not sent in http request. this parameter has below fields:

generationType: have two types of NUMERIC and ALPHANUMERIC

length: length of random generated string

prefix: prefix added to random generated string(empty string by default)

example1: simple http request header in MDC

HttpHeaderMdcParameter USER_AGENT_MDC_PARAM = new HttpHeaderMdcParameter.
            HttpHeaderMdcParameterBuilder("User-Agent", "userAgent").build();

above example will work for header parameter named(User-Agent). this parameter will simply be added to MDC with name(userAgent).

example2: http request with random generation option

HttpHeaderMdcParameter X_REQUEST_ID_MDC_PARAM = new HttpHeaderMdcParameter.
            HttpHeaderMdcParameterBuilder("X-Request-ID", "requestId").removeUnfreeCharacters(
            new RandomParameter(RandomGenerationType.ALPHANUMERIC, 8)).build();

above example will work for header parameter named (X-Request-ID). this parameter will be entered in MDC with name (requestId). and if it's not sent in http request, it will be random generated as an 8 character alphanumeric string and set in MDC field.

example3:http request with unfree characters replacement

HttpHeaderMdcParameter CLIENT_IP_MDC_PARAM = new HttpHeaderMdcParameter.
            HttpHeaderMdcParameterBuilder("X-Forwarded-For", "clientIP").removeUnfreeCharacters(true).build();

sometimes we want to remove some characters before added to MDC. in this case we can activate this mode by setting removeUnfreeCharacters to true. these unfree characters and new character can be configured as below:

    public MdcFilterConfig mdcFilterConfig() {
        List<HttpHeaderMdcParameter> list = new ArrayList<>();
        HttpHeaderMdcParameter clientIp = new HttpHeaderMdcParameter
                .HttpHeaderMdcParameterBuilder("ClientAddress", COMPLETE_CLIENT_ADDRESS_PARAMETER_NAME)
        char[] unfreeCharacters = {'/', '\\', '*', '?', '"'};
        char newCharacter = '-';
        MdcFilterConfig mdcFilterConfig = new MdcFilterConfig(list, unfreeCharacters, newCharacter);
        return mdcFilterConfig;

in above configuration filter will search selected header(ClientAddress) for unfree characters and if it finds any of specified characters it will replace it with new character.

attention: MDCFilterConfig must be defined with bean name "http-server-util-mdc-filter-config". otherwise, other configuration beans must be defined as well.

in addition to parameters specified configuration remote client ip parameter will be extracted. this parameter will be placed in MDC with parameter name: "clientIP". first (X-Forwarded-For) header will be checked if it's not empty first ip address in this header will be placed in clientIp MDC (for example: for "," header, this "" will be selected) otherwise the remote address in RequestContextHolder will be placed in clientIP MDC parameter.

http log filter

logging complete http request and response characteristic is an important feature in tracing request. many web servers provide this ability but might lack in some aspects like masking sensitive data before logging. this library uses provided servlet api in order to work with different web servers. these embedded web servers are supported in this library:




sample of http request and response is logged as below:

-- Http Request --
POST /httpserver/testBodyAndRequestParam?name=mina&secretKey=*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:k
accept: application/json, application/*+json
content-type: application/json
x-request-id: val453453ue
username: *SEMIENCRYPTED:mina
context: {"secretKey":"*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:456","test":"test*****"}
user-agent: Java/17.0.2
host: localhost:53454
connection: keep-alive
content-length: 73

{"name":"mina","family":"kh","pan":"*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:403948******3094","test":"test*****","date":"2022-08-05T12:54:01.523+00:00", "mobile": "*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:0911***4506"}

-- Http Response --
200 OK


http log format

format of http log can be defined by http.log.format config , this config accept one of these values : raw, json
NOTE: The default format is raw.
to customize the format of http log you must implement LogContentProvider.
sample of customizing http log format:

public class TestHttpLogContentProvider extends LogContentProvider {
    protected String generateRequestLogContent(LogContentContainer container) {
        return "-- Http Request --";

    protected String generateResponseLogContent(LogContentContainer container) {
        return "-- Http Response --";

bean of TestHttpLogContentProvider

    @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "http.log.format", havingValue = "test")
    public LogContentProvider testHttpLogContentProvider() {
        return new TestHttpLogContentProvider();

as it's clear some parameters are masked in http header and http body. these parameters can be specified by defining SecureParametersConfig bean. in this library this bean is defined by default as below:

    @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "http-server-util-secured-parameters")
    public SecureParametersConfig secureParametersConfig() {
        HashSet<SecureParameter> securedParameters = new HashSet<>();
        securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("authorization", MaskType.COMPLETE));
        securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("proxy-authorization", MaskType.COMPLETE));
        return new SecureParametersConfig(securedParameters);

above configuration mask any parameter with name "authorization" and "proxy-authorization" with complete maskType if it exists in header or body(request/response). this library uses 'tosan-mask-spring-boot-starter' for masking data. in order to specify your own sensitive data with desired mask type you can define your own mask type, and it will be registered automatically.

  1. define your new MaskType:
public class UserMaskType extends MaskType {

    public static final MaskType TEST_MASK_TYPE = new MaskType();
  1. define masking behaviour
public class TestValueMasker implements ValueMasker {

    public MaskType getType() {
        return UserMaskType.TEST_MASK_TYPE;

     * change each value with test string
     * @param parameterPlainValue
     * @return
    public String mask(String parameterPlainValue) {
        return "test*****";
  1. now you can use your mask type in your defined SecureParametersConfig:
    public SecureParametersConfig secureParametersConfig() {
        Set<SecureParameter> securedParameters = MaskBeanConfiguration.SECURED_PARAMETERS;
        securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("test", UserMaskType.TEST_MASK_TYPE));
        securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("secretKey", UserMaskType.RIGHT));
        securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("username", UserMaskType.SEMI));
        return new SecureParametersConfig(securedParameters);

above example mask any field with name 'test' with mask behaviour defined in UserMaskType.TEST_MASK_TYPE. some predefined maskType's exist in 'tosan-mask-spring-boot-starter' like maskType (RIGHT or SEMI)

you can define comparison type in each secure parameter. this feature enables you to define less parameter names based on requirement. these comparison types can be selected:


EQUALS_IGNORE_CASE (default comparisonType)




your required comparison type can be specified in each securedParameter as below:

   securedParameters.add(new SecureParameter("pan", UserMaskType.PAN, ComparisonType.RIGHT_LIKE));

for logging data a bean of type HttpLoggingFilter is provided by default as below. this bean excludes actuator url pattern (/actuator/*) by default. The order of this filter is -280.

    public HttpLoggingFilter httpLoggingFilter(HttpLogUtil httpLogUtil) {
        return new HttpLoggingFilter(httpLogUtil);

this excluded url pattern can be customized by defining your own loggingFilter bean. by using (addExcludeUrlPatterns) you can add your desired pattern to default patterns. you can also use (setExcludeUrlPatterns) method to add your own exclude url patterns without default patterns.

    public HttpLoggingFilter httpLoggingFilter(HttpLogUtil httpLogUtil) {
        HttpLoggingFilter httpLoggingFilter = new HttpLoggingFilter(httpLogUtil);
        List<String> excludeUrlPatterns = Collections.singletonList("/testUrl");
        return httpLoggingFilter;

attention: HttpLogFilter only register http logs in DEBUG mode. and this filter only supports below media types:

1- application/*+json

2- application/x-www-form-urlencoded

3- text/plain and text/xml (with no masking)

masking will be applied for :

request body(in mentioned media types)

request headers

query parameters

statistics filter

HttpStatisticsFilter is created for purpose of logging simple metrics about http requests. The order of this filter is -290 this filter logs some metrics as below: on request:

{ "+service" : "POST /httpserver/test", "active requests" : 1 } 

on response:

{ "-service" : "POST /httpserver/test", "duration" : "3.793s", "active requests" : 0 } 

this filter excludes some url patterns by default:


you can add your desired exclude url patterns by creating HttpStatisticFilter bean like this example:

    public HttpStatisticsFilter httpStatisticsFilter() {
        HttpStatisticsFilter httpStatisticsFilter = new HttpStatisticsFilter();
        return httpStatisticsFilter;

if you have a service that it calls some services internally ,and you need to log the statistics of these internal services you must annotate internal services method with @Timer.
The below example is the service that /httpserver/test service call it internally, for log the statistics of this internal service we must use @Timer like below:

@Timer(serviceType = "InternalWebService", serviceName = "internalService")
public void internalService() {
{ "-service" : "GET /httpserver/internalStatistics", "duration" : "2.043s", "active requests" : 0, "statistics" : [ "InternalWebService.internalService: 1.012s" ] } 


this aspect is for logging request and response/exception after converting http request to application dto and before changing response dto to Http response. this aspects work on each public method of any class annotated with @RequestMapping and run in INFO log mode. this aspect uses jackson library for logging and consider all mask type mappings defined in previous sections. so you don't need any toString method in order to log and mask your sensitive parameters. this aspect has order 10, and you can consider your other business aspects around it as you prefer. format of log will be in this way: request:

  "service" : "testBodyAndRequestParam",
  "request" : {
    "name" : "mina",
    "secretKey" : "*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:k",
    "dto" : {
      "name" : "mina",
      "family" : "kh",
      "pan" : "*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:403948******3094",
      "test" : "test*****",
      "date" : "2022-08-05T17:20:40+0430",
      "mobile" : "*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:0911***4506"


  "service" : "testBodyAndRequestParam",
  "duration" : "0.019s",
  "response" : {
    "TestResponseDto" : {
      "secretKey" : "*SEMI_ENCRYPTED:sec",
      "password" : "*ENCRYPTED"

this class can ignore specified classes defined as below. you can define your own been, and it will be replaced automatically.

    public ServiceLoggingConfig serviceLoggingConfig() {
        ServiceLoggingConfig serviceLoggingConfig = new ServiceLoggingConfig();
        List<Class<?>> ignoredParameterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
        return serviceLoggingConfig;

this aspect is enabled by default. in order to disable service log you can specify below property in your application.properties:

serviceLog.enabled =false

attention: if you have any input of type HttpServletRequest, this input will be ignored in logging.


one of our goals is the ability of monitoring the application performance by defining proper metrics and registering them via prometheus registry. to accomplish this, we provided a way for registering your custom metrics and update them whenever you want. additionally, you can exclude your unwanted metrics to have cleaner and more customized prometheus report.

registering metrics

for registering metrics, first we define a default bean as below:

    public MeterUtil meterUtil() {
        return new MeterUtil();

we have 3 types of metric : TIMER , COUNTER , GAUGE. you can register your custom metrics with one of these types as shown below :


as you see, you should specify your metric with a valid type and a name. additionally, if wanted, you can add description or tags to your registering metric.
you can also register a gauge meter with specifying its initial value:


note that the initialValue is Long and this kind of gauge metric can not be updated by incrementing or decrementing its value.

updating metrics

we have three types of metric that for each one, we provided a proper updating mechanism:

  1. updating COUNTER meter: by updating this type of meter you will increment the value of it.
    meterUtil.updateCounterMeter("meterName", tags);

and if you want to increment your counter metric by an specified amount (double):

    meterUtil.updateCounterMeter("meterName", tags, amount);
  • note : you can pass null instead of tags if you did not specify tags for your metric in the first place.

2.updating TIMER meter: by updating the timer meter, you can record your wanted duration in milliseconds.

    meterUtil.updateTimerMeter("meterName", tags, 1000);
  • note : you can pass null instead of tags if you did not specify tags for your metric in the first place.

3.updating GAUGE meter: by updating this type, you can both increment and decrement the value of it.

    meterUtil.updateGaugeMeterByIncrementing("meterName", tags);
    meterUtil.updateGaugeMeterByDecrementing("meterName", tags);
  • note : you can pass null instead of tags if you did not specify tags for your metric in the first place.

excluding metrics

in order of excluding wanted metrics from prometheus metrics, we define two ways of exclusion:

  1. excluding metrics by metric name
  • with the config below, you can simply tell us which metric names you want to exclude:
  1. excluding metrics by metric tags
  • with the config below, you can specify the tags you want the metrics having them to be excluded:
  • note that basically a tag includes a key and a value in it, and the above example represents that as a user, we want to exclude metrics with tag1(key1,value1) and tag2(key2,value2).

Sample Project

You can find a sample project in tosan-httpserver-spring-boot-sample module


This Library requires java version 17 or above and spring boot version 3 and above.


Any contribution is greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".


The source files in this repository are available under the Apache License Version 2.0.