Rocketseat 💜 /node

Daily Diet Challenge 02

Application Rules

  • It must be possible to create a user

  • It must be possible to identify the user between requisitions

  • It must be possible to register a meal made, with the following information:

    Meals must be related to a user.

    • Name
    • Descripción
    • Date and Time
    • Is it in the diet or not
  • It should be possible to edit a meal, being able to change all the above data

  • It should be possible to delete a meal

  • It must be possible to list all the meals of a user

  • You must be able to view a single meal

  • You should be able to retrieve the metrics of a user

    • Total amount of meals registered
    • Total no. of meals inside the diet
    • Total amount of meals out of the diet
    • Best sequence of meals inside the diet
  • The user can only view, edit and delete the meals that he created

Application Context

It is common when developing an API, to imagine how this data will be used by the web and/or mobile client.

Therefore, we leave below the link to the layout of the application that would use this API.

Daily Diet