
Autodesk Forge Tutorials: Learn the basics of authentication, data management, file translation, and model rendering, with our quickstart guides.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Learn Forge

To view tutorials, please visit learnforge.autodesk.io.

This repository is for creating the tutorials.

Adding a new language

View Models sample (2-legged)

Create a project in the programming language that supports the UI described on Viewer front-end. In summary, the back should implement:

  • GET /api/forge/oauth/token: return a valid viewables:read access token in the form of {'access_token':value, 'expires_in':value}
  • POST /api/forge/oss/buckets: create a new bucket, receive input in the form of {'bucketKey': 'theKey'} and return 200.
  • GET /api/forge/oss/buckets: return all buckets or objects in form of list of nodes:
   "id": "bucketKey | objectNameAsURNBase64",
   "text": "bucketKey | objectName",
   "type": "bucket | object",
   "children": "true | false"

It receives a querystring with id: if # return all buckets, if a bucketKey all objects for the bucket.

  • POST /api/forge/oss/objects: receive a file with key fileToUpload and bucketKey as a multipart/form-data. For simplicity, non-resumable.
  • POST /api/forge/modelderivative/jobs: translate the file, receive input in the form of {'bucketKey': 'theKey', 'objectName': 'theName'}

For reference, when adding a new language, replicate all net.md for the new language. The Viewer section should be the same for all languages.

View Hub Models sample (3-legged)

  • GET /api/forge/datamanagement receives # to return list of hubs, or href of projects/folders/items to return topfolders, folder contents or versions (respectively). The response should be an array with:
  "id": "href id of the hub/project/folder/item or base64 urn for versions (Viewable)",
  "text": "name",
  "type": "hubs/projects/folders/items/versions",
  "children": "false for versions, true for others"
  • GET /api/forge/callback/oauth as the OAuth callback, receives code from Autodesk and redirect to /
  • GET /api/forge/oauth/url return the sign-in URL (text) so the UI can redirect
  • GET /api/forge/oauth/signout to finish current session and redirect to /
  • GET /api/forge/oauth/token return a valid viewables:read access token in the form of {'access_token':value, 'expires_in':value}
  • GET /api/forge/user/profile returns the user information in the form of {'name':'user name', 'picture': 'http://profilepictureurl'}

For reference, when adding a new language, replicate all nodejs.md/net.md for the new language. The Viewer section should be the same for all languages.

Creating a project

FORK from /autodesk-forge/learn.forge.viewmodels (or viewhubmodels) and rename: learn.forge.TUTORIAL.LANGUAGE, for example: learn.forge.viewmodels.net or learn.forge.viewmodels.nodejs. According to each language standards, move files to appropriate folders.

If the UI changes, first add remote upstream:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/autodesk.forge/learn.forge.viewmodels  (or viewhubmodels)

Then, sync fork:

git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master

Now sync all changes.

When sample is ready, create a pull request for the branch of the language (e.g. net, node.js).


Use convention:

  • PORT: 3000
  • FORGE_CALLBACK_URL: default http://localhost:3000/api/forge/callback/oauth

This is importat so developers can reuse this with other samples on Autodesk-Forge Github.

Animated GIFs

Whenwhere applicable, use animaged GIF to demonstrate a complex setup. Good results with EZGIF in 5FPS (smaller).


Tutorial project should be ready to use and include a readme with instructions to setup & run.

Running locally

Install docsify:

npm i docsify-cli -g

Clone this project.

Now serve the /docs folder:

docsify serve ./docs

Open http://localhost:3000


In order to add a new localization to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder under docs, and name it based on the corresponding language code, for example, zh-CN
  2. Add all the localized content to the new folder; the file naming and folder structure of the new content should copy the structure of the docs folder itself, for example:
  1. Use the update-locale-links script to prefix all links in the markdown with the corresponding language code; for example, the following command will go through all files under docs/zh-CN, and replace links like [Viewer](viewer/2legged/) (note that Docsify considers this to be an absolute path!) with [Viewer](/zh-CN/viewer/2legged/):
# from within the project's root folder
./update-locale-links zh-CN
  1. Update the alias property in docs/index.html to make sure that localized pages use the corresponding localized sidebar; map /<lang-code>/.*_sidebar.md to /<lang-code>/_sidebar.md, for example, like so:
    // ...
    alias: {
+         '/zh-CN/.*_sidebar.md': '/zh-CN/_sidebar.md',
        '/.*/_sidebar.md': '/_sidebar.md'
    // ...
  1. Add a link to the new localized content to _docs/navbar.md; for example:
* [EN](/)
+ * [ZH-CN](/zh-CN/)


This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.