
GO-Liath is a Very VERY inteligent spider and web crawlers for subdomains and domains written from 90% lines of code

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


GO-Liath is a Very VERY inteligent spider and web crawlers for subdomains and domains written from 90% lines of code

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                              Go-Liath Version 1.0

installs and usages

Install linux
git clone https://github.com/ArkAngeL43/GO-Liath.git ; cd GO-Liath ; clear ; chmod +x ./install.sh ; ./install.sh

usage | go run user.go pfg example | go run user.go http://example.com/ www.example.com https://www.example.com pfg

Install Windows
install the fucking golang first
go run user.go http://example.com/ www.example.com https://www.example.com pfg

What is Go-Liath?

Go-Liath is a very inteligent spider that can crawl domains, this main script is written from 90% golang, and not only is really fast but can crawl and gather any subdomain within a main URL

what will it get?

First it will gather the Information about the URL or website itself

[+] Connection Good....
[*] Detected System -> Linux
[>] Script Started At ->  2021-10-28 19:30:59.205574366 -0400 EDT m=+0.365378413
[*]Server IPA ->  [2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946]
[*] Skipping....No URLs found in Copy

[*] Crawling URL >>  http://example.com/
─────────────────────────Server Response─────────────────────────────
[*] Response Status  ->  200 OK
[*] Date Of Request  ->  Fri, 29 Oct 2021 03:30:41 GMT
[*] Content-Encoding ->  
[*] Content-Type     ->  text/html; charset=UTF-8
[*] Connected-Server ->  ECS (mic/9A8A)
[*] X-Frame-Options  ->  
[*] Scheme        --->  
[*] Hostname      --->  
[*] Path in URL   --->  www.example.com
[*] Query Strings --->  
[*] Fragments     --->  
[*]-> Content-Type -> [text/html; charset=UTF-8]
[*]-> Etag -> ["3147526947"]
[*]-> Expires -> [Fri, 05 Nov 2021 03:30:41 GMT]
[*]-> Last-Modified -> [Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT]
[*]-> X-Cache -> [HIT]
[*]-> Accept-Ranges -> [bytes]
[*]-> Age -> [489702]
[*]-> Cache-Control -> [max-age=604800]
[*]-> Date -> [Fri, 29 Oct 2021 03:30:41 GMT]
[*]-> Server -> [ECS (mic/9A8A)]
[*]-> Vary -> [Accept-Encoding]

Then it wil actually start scraping and gather the URL with an addition of XSSI testing, SQLI testing, Name server, and response code

[*] URL Found ->  http://example.com/
[*] Domain Name ->  example.com
[*] Domain IPA  ->  [2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946]
[*] Connected-Server ->  ECS (mic/9B14)
[*] Response Status  ->  200 OK
[*] Testing SQLI this might take a while....
[+] Detected 0 forms on http://example.com/.
[-] Might NOT be SQL injectable
[*] Testing XSSI this might take a while....
[-] XSS testing came back false, not XSS injectable
[*] URL Found ->  https://www.iana.org/domains/example
[*] Domain Name ->  iana.org
[*] Domain IPA  ->  [2001:500:88:200::8]
[*] Connected-Server ->  Apache
[*] Response Status  ->  200 OK
[*] Testing SQLI this might take a while....
[+] Detected 0 forms on https://www.iana.org/domains/example.
[-] Might NOT be SQL injectable
[*] Testing XSSI this might take a while....
[-] XSS testing came back false, not XSS injectable