
Calculate any index of the Cartesian Product of any number of sequences in no time!

Primary LanguageC


An algorithm to calculate any given index of a cartesian product. Suppose we have 3 sequences -

  • A : {1, 2, 3}
  • B : {2, 6, 7, 9}
  • C : {1, 7}

Simply call get_tuple_by_index and pass in the list/array of sequences (i.e [A, B, C] or {A, B, C}) and the index of the result you want. For C (the programming language), you'd also need to pass in the number of sequences (3 in this case) and an array containing the lengths of each sequences ({3, 4, 2} in this case).

For example, if we'd call get_tuple_by_index with the 6th index (starting from 0) of the cartesian product A x B x C, we'd get (1, 9, 1)

How it works

For this demonstration, we'll be using the sequences mentioned above as examples

  • The list/array of sequences, that we'd like the cartesian product to, in this case [A, B, C] or {A, B, C} is reverse iterated through.

  • In each iteration, the result tuple is filled up from backwards.

  • In each iteration, the current element of the result tuple will be the index % length_of_current_setth index of the current set.

  • Additionally, in each iteration, the index is set to index // length_of_current_set where // signifies integer division So, in this case, in the first iteration, for index = 6, the current element will be C[6 % 2] or C[0] or 1. That will now be added as the last element of result tuple. It'll now look like -> (1)

    index is now set to 6 // 2 or 3

    In the second iteration, the current element will be B[3 % 4] or B[3] or 9. That will now be added as the second to last element of result tuple. It'll now look like -> (9, 1)

    index is now set to 3 // 4 or 0

    In the third iteration, the current element will be A[0 % 3] or A[0] or 1. That will now be added as the third to last element (or first element in this case) of result tuple. It'll now look like -> (1, 9, 1)