
Trying out push notifications using a backend and service workers

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web Push Tryout

Demo backend + frontend for implementing push notifications using service workers

Most of the frontend is a modified version of the code from web-push codelabs. But it also adds support for sending notification, unsubscription and saving/deleting the subscription from db

Built with Typescript + Express + Pg-Promise (Postgresql) + EJS

The backend uses web-push to handle the web push setup and notifications


  • Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/TotallyNotChase/web-push-tryout.git

  • cd into web-push-tryout

  • Execute npm i to set up the packages

  • Execute ./node_modules/.bin/web-push generate-vapid-keys and save the output for later use

  • Set up the user configurations, create a file named userconfig.json inside web-push-tryout

    The format of the JSON should be-

      "NAME": <app_name>,
      "PORT": <port_to_assign_the_server_on>,
      "ENV": "development"/"production",
      "DB_CONNECTION": {
        "host": <postgres_host>,
        "port": <postgres_port>,
        "database": <database_name>,
        "user": <postgres_username>,
        "password": <postgres_userpass>
      "PUBLIC_VAPID_KEY": <Public_VAPID_key_generated_from_web-push>,
      "PRIVATE_VAPID_KEY": <Private_VAPID_key_generated_from_web-push>,,
      "WEB_PUSH_CONTACT": <mailto_link_to_an_email_to_be_associated_with_web_push>
    Fieldname Description


    The name of the webapp - can be whatever


    The port to assign the webserver on (should be a number - not string)


    The environment to run the express server on - usually development


    Postgre DB connection object

    host is usually "localhost" and port is 5432 (should be a number - not string) for a default configured postgre server running locally

    database should be a newly created database on the server

    user and password are the credentials for the postgre user


    Public VAPID key generated from web-push generate-vapid-keys on one of the previous steps


    Private VAPID key generated from web-push generate-vapid-keys on one of the previous steps


    A mailto link to the mail contact associated with the server - should look like mailto: <youremail>

  • Execute npm run build to build the project

    This will transpile or the typescript files into javascipt and put them into dist/

    It also moves any other necessary non-typescript files from src/ to dist/ (handled by copyRes.js)

  • Execute npm run serve to run the server

Tour of the source code

All the backend code related stuff is in src/, static assets for the frontend are in assets/

Backend files

Component Description


Controllers for different routes


Component that manages low level SQL queries using pg-promise and exposes a high level, ORM-like API to be used by the app

database/models/ - Types that describe the model of the tables

database/repos/ - Classes that handle collection of closely related table(s) and expose the high level API to be used by the app

database/sql/ - SQL query files and objects for each collection of closely related table(s), grouped by folder


Handles middleware configuration and exposes middleware objects to be used by the app


Routers that map controllers to corresponding routes - exposes a router object to be used by the app


Extra types used across the project


Component that has the web-push API exposed to itself

Manages the web-push calls

Frontend files

The only files that need to be discussed about are the index.ts and sw.ts files that handle all the push notifications on the frontend side


Makes sure the browser supports push notifications

Initiallized the UI, based on initial state of subscription

Sets up handlers for the subscribe and push buttons

This is more or less a modified version of the codelabs main.js, except it adds support for communicating with the backend through updateSubscriptionOnServer, deleteSubscriptionOnServer, initiatePushOnServer. It also adds support for unsubscription on both the frontend and backend, as well as sending the notification itself through the backend.


Service worker file that sets up event listener for the push notification to be sent