
Scored! allow you to keep track of everything you want!

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Scored! allow you to keep track of everything you want!



Phone - Empty history page

Phone - Creating a new party

Phone - Setting up the new party

Phone - New party created

Phone - Ongoing party, players with scores

Phone - History page with the party saved


  • Flutter
  • Hive
  • Provider

How to build

In the terminal

  • Install the dependencies flutter pub get
  • Web : flutter build web
  • Android : flutter build appbundle
  • MacOS (only on a mac) : flutter build macos
  • Windows (only on windows) : flutter build macos
  • Linux (only on linux) : flutter build linux

How to deploy

Deploy Web

The Gitlab pipeline found in .gitlab-cy.yml automatically build and deploy the web version on Gitlab pages

Deploy Android

First, update the version code in pubspec.yaml and run flutter build apk or flutter run to update the version where needed.

Deployment is handled by fastlane, with different lanes :

  • Internal testing : bundle exec fastlane internal
  • Production : bundle exec fastlane production

How to add an entity

  • Create the domain class (eg. game.dart)
  • Add the 'part' (eg. game.g.dart) which will be the name of the generated TypeAdapter
  • Annotate the class with @HiveType(id) (where id is the biggest index so far +1)
  • Annotate every fields with @HiveField(id) (with every id being unique in the class)
  • Run flutter packages pub run build_runner build to generate the TypeAdapter