Based on Redactle by John Turner
PUB FR: Retrouvez-moi un vendredi sur deux sur twitch pour des jeux / quiz sur
Just download the code as ZIP and unzip somewhere on your computer. Keep config.js and game.html at the same place. Edit config.js file and :
- Put your channel name on var channel
- Put the answer to find with var answer
- Put the text to help find the answer in the var texte, between the two ticks (`)
Then add the game.html as a browser source in OBS.
Some stuff can be configured in the style.css file :
Font, line space, font colors...
You can set the game mode as :
- chat : Every solo word input in chat is computed
- command : Use customCommand input to compute a word.
UPDATE #3 16/05/2022 :
- Adding whitelist : Now you can add words in the var whitelist in config.js that will not be hidden at beginning
UPDATE #2 12/05/2022 :
- Adding accent mode. If true, accents must be correct. If false, accent are not taken into account.
- Adding light red if word has already been proposed
- Adding more CSS customization (propositions color when found, not found, already proposed)
UPDATE 12/05/2022 :
- Separating answer and text
- light green background when occurences > 0
- you can now type the correct full answer