
Oh no! I'm a robot!

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Release generator


npm install


Generate a new token and put it in the auth.json file.


Modify parameters.coffee according to your needs:

  • put branches names
  • put your desired tags in categories


Available commands:

  • release-notes
  • ....

Release notes release-notes

Generates a changelog using merged PRs and their labels for categorization.

npm start -- release-notes --owner [owner's account] --repo [repo name] --pr [pr number] [--log]


  • --log: only log the release notes, don't update the PR description

Example: generates the changelog for the release PR #736 of ToucanToco/tucana and only displays it

npm start -- release-notes --owner ToucanToco --repo tucana --pr 736 --log

Prepare release prepare-release

Creates or update a Pull Request and generate changelog in its body.

npm start -- preprare-release --owner [owner's account] --repo [repo name] --title [Release codename] [--beta]


  • --beta: instead of from dev (or beta) to master branch, creates a PR from dev to beta

Example: creates the PR from dev to next for ToucanToco/tucana

npm start -- preprare-release --owner ToucanToco --repo tucana --title "Purple Lilac Panda" --beta