
A lightweight wrapper on the AWS SDK for Go V2; config & clients API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

GoDoc License: MIT CircleCI

AWS Config & Clients Provider for Go (aws-ccp-go)

A lightweight wrapper on the AWS SDK for Go V2, Config & Clients API.

aws-ccp-go is a light-weight wrapper on the AWS SDK for Go v2. The goal of this module is to simplify the AWS Go SDK configuration sources. It also aims at making initialization of clients with the most commonly used configuration options, simple & straightforward. It eliminates the need of having boilerpate code spread across the clients' code base, as well as making client initialization code across multiple projects consistent & easier.

For instance, initializing an EC2 client using the default credential sources of AWS SDK can be acheived by simply importing this module with a _ (blank) identifier. As a side-effect of a blank import, a CredsProvider named default is initialized using the AWS default credentials chain & cached for later use.

More on AWS SDK configuration here.

This works for majority of use cases where AWS credentials are used from the most common sources, e.g AWS environment variable, or shared config & credentials files, IAM role for ECS tasks or IAM role for EC2 instance (in that order)

 import (

	// intializes a `default` provider using AWS SDK defaults, with a DefaultCredsProvider
	_ github.com/TouchBistro/aws-ccp-go 

	// import the providers package to call the provider builder functions
	// import the clients/_ec2 package to call the ec2 client initializer

		// fetch the cached `default` provider
		p, err := providers.Default()
		// get an EC2 client
		client, err := _ec2.Client(p)

If multiple AWS credential sources are required, the aws-ccp-go API makes it simple to explicitly define the configuration without the need of constructing an aws.Config object in the client code using various builder functions supplied with the AWS SDK.

For instance, if the AWS static credentials are to be supplied using non-standard environment variables, you can use the EnvironmentCredsProvider to configure this.

   // uses static credentials from standard AWS env vars; 
   env0, err := providers.NewEnvironmentCredsProvider(ctx, "env0")

   // uses static credentials from custom env vars
   env1, err := providers.NewEnvironmentCredsProvider(ctx, "env1", 

This allows the client code to set up multiple named CredsProviders that use different sets to environment variables for fetching their separate static AWS credentials.

As shown in examples, aws-ccp-go uses a concept of named Providers to encapsulate the aws.Config and can later be used to initialize clients for AWS services

The module supplies client builders (helper functions) for all AWS services supported by the AWS SDK. These methods use an internal map to maintain & return singleton clients per provider.

The helper functions are exposed by service packages of this module under the /clients/ path; and of the form: github.com/TouchBistro/aws-ccp-go/clients/_<service_name>. These functions initialize & return AWS service clients using credentials encapsulated by these providers.

These client builder functions supplied in the _<service_name> packages are all auto-generated. More details about the code generation here. An example here client.go for reference.

A simple example of initializing a provider & client for ECS.

  p1, _ := provider.NewDefaultCredsProvider(context.Background(),"p1")
  client, _ := _ecs.Client(p1)

Following are more details on the types of providers included with this module:

AWS Configuration & Credentials

There are several ways to supply credentials to an AWS SDK Client. This is done by building a configuration (aws.Config) object with the sources of credentials & other required configuration attributes. When no specific configuration options are supplied, the SDK uses the default credentials chain as documented in the AWS SDK documentation.

The aws-ccp-go uses the Providers abstraction to intialize aws.Config for a specific source. All providers have a name. The NewXXXCredsProvider(...) functions return a new provider or a non-nil error if something goes wrong while configuring the provider.

	pr, err := providers.NewDefaultCredsProvider(context.Background(), "provider1")

This provider is also cached by the aws-ccp-go so it can be retrived in another location in the client code by using the provider.Default() or providers.Get(string) functions

	// returns a previously initialized provider named 
	// `provider1`, or a non-nil error
	pr, err := providers.Get("provider1") 

the default provider can be retrieved with

	// returns a provided named `default`, or a
	// non-nil error
	pr, err := providers.Default()


The NewXXXCredsProvider(...) builder functions provided by the aws-ccp-go use the configuration parameters supplied using the CredsProviderOptions struct to initialize the corresponding type of provider. Not all options are used for each type of provider. The type alias CredsProviderOptionsFunc acts as functional options that can be passed to the NewXXXCredsProvider functions to set the required AWS config.LoadOptions

These CredsProviderOptions are passed down to the config.LoadDefaultConfig(context, opts...) function in the AWS SDK to load the aws.Config. The config is then encapsualted by the provider & can be later used to initialize AWS SDK clients for services.

AWS config.LoadDefaultConfig(...) functions accepts functional options of type config.LoadOptions to customize a lot more than what is exposed by the CredsProviderOptions. So if it is required to configure additional load options, then those may be supplied as CredsProviderOptions.LoadOptionFns which is a slice of func(*config.LoadOptions) error.

A set of options supplied by CredsProviderOptions & how to apply to various types of CredsProviders is shown in this table below.

Function Description Applies To
WithDefaultRegion() Sets AwsDefaultRegion constant value OR (us-east-1) as the AWS Region to use when building aws.Config for the provider. ALL
WithRegion(string) Sets the supplied region as the AWS region to use for the aws.Config for the provider. ALL
WithConfigLoadOptFns(optFns ...func(*config.LoadOptions) error) Supplies a set of functional options to set AWS SDK config.LoadOptions. This allows configuring the load options for the underlying aws.Config that are not availabe with the CredsProviderOptions. The optFns supplied here are passed directly as-is to the config.LoadDefaultConfig() calls to AWS SDK under the hood. These are applied after the other Load Options set with CredsProviderOptions ALL
ValidateProvider() Turns on provider credentials validation. This results the provider to test the aws.Config by creating an internal STS client & making an sts:GetCallerIdentity() API call using the underlying configuration. This makes certain that the credentials are valid. Note that this does not check any permissions, just the validity of AWS credentials obtained using the provider ALL
WithAccessKeyIdFrom(string) Specifies the environment variable name to read the AWS Access Key ID static credential from. EnvironmentCredsProvider
WithSecretAccessKeyFrom(string) Specifies the environment variable name to read the AWS Secret Access Key credential from. EnvironmentCredsProvider
WithSessionTokenFrom(string) Specifies the environment variable name to read the AWS Session Token from. EnvironmentCredsProvider
WithConfigFile(string) Specifies the AWS shared config file to use to fetch the credentials. If not supplied, the default value used is ~/.aws/config. SharedConfigCredsProvider
WithCredentialsFile(string) Sspecifies the AWS shared credentials file to use to fetch the credentials If not supplied the default values used is ~/.aws/credentials. SharedConfigCredsProvider
WithConfigProfile(string) Specifies the AWS config profile to use. If not supplied, the default values used is default SharedConfigCredsProvider
WithBaseCredsProviderName(string) Specifies the name of the base CredsProvider to use for assuming the supplied role. AssumeRoleCredsProvider
WithBaseCredsProvider(CredsProvider) Specifies the CrdsProvider instance to use for assuming the supplied role. If both this & WithCredsProviderName(string) are used, this option takes precendence. AssumeRoleCredsProvider
WithRoleArn(string) Supplies the Role ARN to assume to obtain credentials. Role ARN takes precendence over the combination of Role Name & AWS Account ID. AssumeRoleCredsProvider
WithRoleName(string) Supplies the Role Name to assume to obtain credentials. WithAccountId(string) must also be supplied when Role Name is provided. AssumeRoleCredsProvider
WithAccountId(string) Supplies the AWS Account ID that contains the Role Name to assume. The WithRoleName(string)options must also be supplied when Account ID is provided. AssumeRoleCredsProvider

The following CredsProviders are supported by the module at this time:


This is the default credentials provider which requires no custom configuration. This provider uses the AWS SDK's *default credentials chain* to find the credentials to use. The order in which the credentials are located depends on the AWS SDK implmenenation and is generally as follows:
  • AWS Environment Variables (Static or Web Identitiy token)
  • Shared Configuration files in user's profile directory
  • ECS IAM Role for tasks. (For ECS service & standalone tasks)
  • EC2 IAM Role (For applications running on an EC2 instances)

Here's a code sample on how to initialize a new DefaultCredsProvider

	def, err := providers.NewDefaultCredsProvider(ctx, "def")

The only configuration option allowed for this provider type is the AWS Region. If not supplied, us-east-1 is used as the default AWS Region.

us-east-1 is the default value used by all other providers as well.

Implicit default Provider:

As discussed in the earlier section, when the root package of the module is imported with a blank identifier, a named DefaultCredsProvider called default is initialized for the calling client code.

Configuring config.LoadOptions further

If any config load options that are not directly supported by the CredsProviderOptions are needed, they can be supplied via the WithConfigLoadOptFns(optFns ...func(*config.LoadOptions) error) functional option. The example below shows how we can setup an alternate EndpointResolver so we can point the clients from this DefaultCredsProvider to a LocalStack simulated cloud environment rather than the AWS API endpoints.

	localStackEndpoint := "http://localhost:4566"
	resolverWithOpts := aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (aws.Endpoint, error) {
		return aws.Endpoint{
			URL:           localStackEndpoint,
			SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
			PartitionID:   "aws",
		}, nil
	dep1, err := providers.NewDefaultCredsProvider(context.Background(), "def", providers.WithRegion("us-east-1"),
		providers.WithConfigLoadOptFns(config.WithEndpointResolverWithOptions(resolverWithOpts)), providers.ValidateProvider())


This provider looks for static credentials supplied in the user's environment. The environment variable names to use for fetching the AWS Access Key ID, the Secret Access Key & the Session Token (where applicable) must be supplied using optiions. When the environment variable names are not supplied, the AWS SDK defaults are used.

If the credentials are not found a non-nil error is returned.

	env1, err := providers.NewEnvironmentCredsProvider(ctx, "env1",

Implicit default Environment Creds Provider:

The default named provider can be auto-initialized with an EnvironmentCredsProvider by reading the runtime command-line arguments passed on to the calling code. This can be achieved by importing the init/cmd package of the module with a blank identifier. See example below for the command-line flags that aws-ccp-go looks for for initialization.

% your_util --env 

Here your_util is the binary created from the client code that imports github.com/TouchBistro/aws-ccp-go/init/cmd When --env flag is passed the default provider is initialized using the AWS SDK standard environment variables for the access key id, secret access key and the session token.

The following example shows how to use non-standard environment variables to read the AWS access credentials.

% your_util --env \
            --access-key-id-from YOUR_KEY_ID_VAR \
			--secret-access-key-from YOUR_SECRET_KEY_VAR \
			--session-token-from YOUR_SESSION_TOKEN_VAR  

For more details see docs


This provider looks for credentials supplied via the shared config & credentials files. By default, if not supplied, these files in the user's home directory at `~/.aws/config` & `~/.aws/credentials` respectively are used. The default value for config profile is `default`.

With this provider, you can supply custom locations and/or a named profie to use for credentials. If the supplied shared config files are not found a non-nil error is returned.

	shared1, err := providers.NewSharedConfigCredsProvider(ctx, "shared1", 

Implicit default Shared Configuration Creds Provider:

The default named provider can be auto-initialized with a SharedConfigCredsProvider by reading the runtime command-line arguments passed on to the calling code. This can be achieved by importing the init/cmd package of the module with a blank identifier. See example below for the command-line flags that aws-ccp-go looks for for initialization.

% your_util --profile someProfileName 

Here your_util is the binary created from the client code that imports github.com/TouchBistro/aws-ccp-go/init/cmd When --profile flag is supplied with a value, the default provider is initialized using the AWS SDK shared configuration files for reading the AWS credentials. The default shared configuration files located in ~/.aws/config & ~/.aws/credentials are used.

The following example shows how to use non-default shared configuration files

% your_util --profile someProfileName \
            --creds-file ~\.aws\credentials2 \
			--config-file ~\.aws\config2

For more details see docs


This provider finds AWS credentials in a 2-step process. First it uses the supplied base `CredsProvider` to initialize an AWS STS client. If no default credential provider is supplied, an inline `DefaultCredsProvider` is initialized which uses the default credentials chain for finding the AWS credentials. In the second step, an `sts:assumeRole` API call is made to retrieve `stscreds` credentials by assuming the role that is supplied as the `role_arn` option (or a combination of role name & AWS accounnt id). The credentials from the base creds provider must have sufficient AWS permissions to assume the role supplied, else a non-nil error is returned during the provider.

Here's an example of the AssumeRoleCredsProvider with a role arn.

    // using the env1 CredsProvider, assume the supplied role 
	// and use those credentials...
	r1, err := providers.NewAssumeRoleCredsProvider(ctx, "role1",

or you can supply account id and role name.

    // using the env1 CredsProvider, assume the supplied role in 
	// the said AWS account and use those credentials...
	r2, err := providers.NewAssumeRoleCredsProvider(ctx, "role2", 

Implicit default Assume Role Configuration Creds Provider:

The default named provider can be auto-initialized with a AssumeRoleCredsProvider by reading the runtime command-line arguments passed on to the calling code. This can be achieved by importing the init/cmd package of the module with a blank identifier. See example below for the command-line flags that aws-ccp-go looks for for initialization.

When this option is used, the based proivider to assume the role is configured using the DefaultCredsProvider if not other implicit flags are supplied, or one of the other supported implicit provider configuration

% your_util --role-arn aws:arn:role:12345678910:role:some_role

The following example will configure default provider by first initializing a provider using the someProfileName with shared config & then assume the supplied role-arn.

% your_util --role-arn aws:arn:role:12345678910:role:some_role --profile someProfileName 

If no role is supplied, the AssumeRoleCredsProvider simply uses the base role credentials.

For more details see docs

AWS Client Builder Functions

Besides credentials, the aws-ccp-go module also supplies convenient builder functions for all AWS SDK supported clients. Each of these clients is in it's own package and must be imported to use the client builder functions. The package names are consistent with the AWS SDK service name packages but with a leading underscore _. The reason to use an underscore prefix in the name is to make is easier for these & AWS SDK service packages to be imported together in the client code without the need of explicit aliases.

Also putting each client function in it's own package is done for optimization reasons. The AWS SDK repos has multiple go modules; and all of the service clients under the /service/... directories are their own module. Including all AWS Client builders in the same package here will result in indirectly importing all of the AWS SDK modules in client code & bloating the size of the resulting binaries unnecessarily.

For example, just constructing a default provider & EC2 client wrapper results in a resulting binary size 8 MB. if the entire SDK was imported indirectly, this would go up to 68 MB for just a few lines of client code. So with this design, the size of the imported libraries in the final go binary generated for the client is no bigger than what it would have been if the AWS SDK was directly used without the aws-ccp-go wrapper. The downside is having to import individual client packages alongside each AWS SDK service package.

All client wrapper packages are found under /clients/ sub-directory in the repo.

For instance to create a AWS Client for the applicationautoscaling service, the corresponding aws-ccp-go packages that need to be imported will be:

import (
	// To auto initialize the 'default` provider only
	_ "github.com/TouchBistro/aws-ccp-go"

	// To retrieve the default provider from the module

	// To construct applicationautoscaling service client 

	// To use the applicationauthoscaling AWS client provided data structures & functions


All client packages expose 4 helper functions: Client(), Must(), Delete() and Refresh()

The Client function returns a singleton AWS service client. It uses the supplied providers.CredsProvdier sub-type as the configuration (aws.Config).

The Must() function is a wrapper for the Client() function & panics if a non-nil error is returned. It allows convenience for initializing or passing AWS clients in the client code.

The Delete function clears the singleton instance for the supplied provider to force the module to create and return a new instance in the next call to Client

The Refresh() function discards the singleton client if it exists & recreates it.

The aws-ccp-go supports basic configurartion out of the box. If more specific configuration is required, functional options can be supplied to client builder methods for instance: AWS Region or Client Retry Attempts etc.
These options are service-specific & are of the form func(*<client>.Options). If options are supplied, they are forwarded as-is to the clients' NewFromConfig(...) builder functions.

  // build & return an ECS client for the `r2` provider with 
  // additioanl functional options, these are passed directly
  // to the underlying server.NewFromConfig(...) function for 
  // additional configuration
  client, err := _ecs.Client(r2,func(o *ecs.Options) {
			o.Region = "us-east-2" 
			o.RetryMaxAttempts = 4

or simply

  // build & return an ECS client for the `r2` provider 
  // Since Must() is used, an error while creating the Client
  // will result in a panic
  client := _ecs.Must(r2)

Manually initializing AWS clients:

The underlying aws.Config configuration for a provider can be retrievd using the Config() method. After that, the AWS SDK API functions (NewFromConfig(...)) can be used to initialize the client. This can be useful in case a particular AWS service client is not exposed by this module, or if you just want to retrofit legacy code an only use this module to retrive aws.Config.

A code snippet to show how to do this using glue service client.

	var err error

	// create a shared config provider called `etl` using the etl profile 
	// this can be any CredsProvider 
	etl, err = providers.NewSharedConfigCredsProvider(
			context.Background(), "etl", providers.WithConfigProfile("etl"))
	if err != nil {

	//initializing an AWS client for the `glue` service without using the helper functions.
	var client *glue.Client 

	// get the aws.Config for the `etl` provider & initialize a new glue client with options
	if cfg, err := etl.Config(); err != nil {
	} else {
		client = glue.NewFromConfig(*cfg, func(opt *glue.Options) {
			opt.Region = "us-east-1"

	//using the client...
	out, err := client.ListJobs
		context.Background(), &glue.ListJobsInput{})

	if err != nil {

	for _, jobs := range out.JobNames {

To add support for any of the missing services' clients, a PR can be made, OR a feature request can be sent as per the guidelines CONTRIBUTING.md


More details on Configuring the AWS SDK


Configuration & credential file settings
