Automagic Industries brings you a new autopilot, which reduces driving accidents by 100%.
- Kerbals can move behind the scene too (with a blinding speed of 0.5m/s - depends on the celestial body)
- Usage of batteries is switched off during system check and user is notified about it when there isn't enough of power to recharge a rover
- Chinese localization by Raven-233486
- French localization by vinix38
- Rebuild for KSP 1.10.1
- Pathfinder optimization - it's quicker :)
- New configuration value for pathfinding timeout was added. Default value is 10 seconds. You can change it in config.xml of BonVoyage by changing the value on this line: 10
- Pathfinder optimization - it's quicker :)
- New configuration value for pathfinding timeout was added. Default value is 10 seconds. You can change it in config.xml of BonVoyage by changing the value on this line: 10
- Kerbalism compatibility
- Critter Crawler compatibility
- Added the option to show biome info in the map view. Off by default.
- KSP 1.9.1 compatibility
- Fixed wrong check of output EC ratio of fuel cells
- Minimum height of a rover over the terrain was changed to avoid some clipping issues
- KSP 1.8.1 compatibility
- KSP 1.8 compatibility
- Path is computed immediately after selecting a target (point on map, current target or waypoint)
- Fixed null ref when closing main window after hiding the application button
- Fixed distance display in the control panel after setting a route
- Cheats for infinite electricity and propellant are accepted (your game, your rules)
- Part upgrades were reworked to support their placement into different tech trees by MM's config
- By default, two upgrades are in the stock tech tree (plus the base part). Third upgrade is placed into Artificial intelligence node of CTT if you have it.
- BonVoyage modul added to RoveMate by default
- Added part upgrades which raise the speed of unmanned rovers and ships. The last upgrade is only for Community Tech Tree.
- Suport of servo rotors from the Breaking Ground DLC for ship controller
- We are ready to extend our operations to the water
- Stock jet and rocket motors are supported
- Support of electric motors from Feline Utility Rovers and USI Exploration Pack mods (and other mods, which has motors based on stock modules)
- Electric motors are the best ones for extended naval operations
- MiniAVC removed from the installation, because planned updates are done. If you need notification about new versions, use AVC instead
- Fixed coordinates when a target is selected on the map
- KSP 1.7.3 compatible
- KSP 1.7.2 compatible
- Fuel cells are switched off during a night, when they don't have enough power to recharge batteries (when they are used as a complement to solar panels), to not waste a fuel.
- Fixed null ref for the new game
- Fixed loading of controllers into the main window
- Fixed issue with control window moving out of screen
- Max speed of stock wheels (including Making History wheels) is reported properly
- Some nullrefs and indexes out of range were fixed
- Fixed max speed check for Making History expansion foldable wheels (typo in the name of wheels)
- Fixed bulk profile category
- Fixed compatibility with KSPWheelTracks
- Recompile for KSP 1.7.1
- Recompile for KSP 1.7
- Fuel cells support
- Added Reload button to the main window to refresh list of vessels without scene switch
- Unmanned rover must have an active connection to set a target or issue the GO command if you are using the CommNet or RemoteTech
- Batteries can be used during a night, if there is enough solar power to recharge them. Up to 50% of the total capacity of all enabled batteries will be used.
- Added toggle to the Settings to disable rotation of a rover perpendicularly to the terrain after arriving to a target and during a ride
- Added Rotation vector advanced tweakable
- Rotation of a rover depends on the orientation of the root part. You can now set the vector used for rotating the rover.
- This setting is accessible after enabling Advanced tweakables in the KSP settings
- Default value is "Back" - for rovers, whose root part is a probe or a cab oriented in such a way, that you see horizont line on the navball
- Other usual values are "Up" and "Down", if the default setting is putting your rover on it's (usually) shorter side. You need experiment a little bit in this case to find the right setting.
- Fixed detection of KSP Interstellar Extended generators
- Kopernicus support - solar panels are working even when you are around other stars
- Added support for Bison Cab from Wild Blue Industries
- Bon Voyage will try to rotate a rover perpendicularly to a terrain
- Fixed rover skipping kilometers forward to the target under some circumstances
- Removed forgotten harmless debug warning message
- Added tooltip to the System check button to better explain it's function
- KSP 1.5.1 compatibility
- Major overhaul - We are getting ready to extend our operations to the water in the future.
- Localization support
- KSPWheel module system check change
- Required EC is scaled by a motor's output setting
- Maximum speed is taken from maxDrivenSpeed field, which is scaled by gear setting, and capped at max safe speed
- Direct input of target coordinates
- Stabilization of a rover during scene switching into flight, if it's moving or just arrived at a destination. The function is switched off, if World Stabilizer or BD Armory is present.
- Added MiniAVC
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.1
- KSP 1.3.1 compatibility
- Tooltip change
- Pilots, USI Scouts and anyone with AutopilotSkill affect speed
- Various fixes
- Displayed information revision
- Change in background processing (TAC-LS compatibility!)
- Pilots and USI Scouts affect rover speed depending on their level
- Fixed drawing of the line to a target
- Fixed wrong path to images on Linux
- Various fixes
- Fixed target longitude display
- App launcher button fix
- Adjusted vessel altitude from terrain
- Night time ride fix
- KSP 1.3 compatibility
- WBI reactors and MKS power pack compatibility
- Support for tricycles
- Hide BV window in map view
- Average speed change - reduction based on power
- Shutdown/Activate BV Controller
- Change a few frequently called
loops tofor
by soulsource - Make
Bon Voyage Autopilot
part physicsless by Suprcheese Close
button callsappLauncherButton.SetFalse
- Check for retracted solar panels
- Average speed is now really average and not the maximum of any wheel's speed
- Target 200 meters away from navpoint
- Landing gears can be used as operable wheels by Kerbas-ad-astra
- ModuleWheelBase used to determine if wheel is on the ground by Kerbas-ad-astra
- Allow travelling "below" sea level if celestial body has no ocean
- KSPWheels support
- Separate UI for module control, no mess in right click menu
- Integrated UIFramework
- Path compressed with lz-string-csharp to use less space in save file
- Show route only for active rover
- Interstellar reactors support
- Fixes for KSP 1.2.2
- Added "Close" button to main window
- Toolbar button won't appear in editors
- New part, created by Enceos
- Icon is now colorized, made by Madebyoliver and licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Moved BV part to Space Exploration science node, where RoveMax Model S2 is
- Parts that can contain BV module are not hardcoded anymore
- Duplicate parts on the same vessel are ignored
- Code cleanup
- KSP skin for UI available
- Dewarp done in two steps: instant to 50x and then gradual to 1x
- Solar powered rovers will idle when Sun is 0 degrees above the horizon, no more stucking at poles
- Serious average speed penalties at twighlight and at night time for manned rovers
- Some colors in arrival report
- Added toolbar support, fixed wrapper, no Contract Configurator conflict :D
- Switching to vessel with interface button will go without scene reload if vessel is already loaded
- 80% speed penalty for unmanned rovers
- UI and label are hidden if game is paused
- Label is hidden when all hidden (F2)
- Fixed crazy torpedoes nuking active vessel, rover simply won't move closer than 2400 meters to active vessel
- Fixed argument out of range caused sometimes and rover voyage end
- Route visualized with red line
- Route always visualized for active rover if exists
- Target can be set to active navigation point
- Added support for USI nuclear reactors
- Added support for NFE fission reactors
- Recompile for KSP 1.2
- Fixed last waypoint being last step of voyage
- Fixed control lock being applied to next switched vessel
- Moved "Bon Voyage control lock active" message higher on screen
- SAS is blocked by control lock too
- Path markers displayed at correct positions
- Fixed trying to build path to target closer than 1000 meters
- Fixed "yet to travel" distance for rovers awaiting sunlight being incorrect after scene switch
- Current rover changes in GUI list on vessel switch
- Fixed distance to target being incorrect if path is not staright
- Fixed errors raised at rover journey end when no/low time acceleration
- Fixed error switching to rover from Space Center
- Added ARES and Puma support
- Fixed BV controller part being not in Control tab
- Shut down wheels are not treated as power consumers
- At least two wheels must be on to start BV
- Fixed utilites not being shown
- Added "Calculate average speed" and "Calculate power requirement" utilities
- Power production requirement diminished to 35% of powered wheels max
- Average speed now varies according to number of wheels on: 2 wheels - 50% of wheels' max speed, 4 wheels - 60%, 6 and more - 70%
- Rovers driven away from KSC by BV are not treated as landed at runway or launchpad anymore
- Fixed errors in editor
- Fixed rover altitude being incorrect
- Added Malemute and Karibou compatibility
- Code optimization
- Pathfinding fully functional
- Interface revamp
- Module Manager patch to add BonVoyage to Malemute, Karibou and Buffalo cabs
- Fixed version file
- Initial public release