AREA api-gateway

this is the api gateway documentation for the API Gateway module.


Backend Technologies:

  • golang
  • postgres
  • ent to interact with the postgres database

---module.exports = nextConfig



/ping Route: GET

Description: Check if the API Gateway is available.

header: No header is needed.

body: No body is needed.

Http code: 200.

Response: string: "Pong".

/register Route: POST

Description: Create a new user in the database and send the corresponding response.

Header: No header is needed.

Body: Json with the email of the user and his password.

  "email": "",
  "password": "example"

Http code:

  • 200 on success.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if the user already exists, or any error in the database.

Response: Json with the jwt of the user.

  "token": "tokenExample"

/updateUser Route: POST

Description: Update the user informations and send the corresponding response.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: Json with the new email and the new password of the user.

  "email": "",
  "password": "example"

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if the user does not exists, or any error in the database.

Response: Json with the jwt of the user.

  "token": "tokenExample"

/deleteUser Route: DELETE

Description: Delete a user and send the corresponding response.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if the user has already been deleted.

Response: string: "User {id} has been deleted successfully"

/readUser Route: POST

Description: Read one user and send the corresponding response.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if the user does not exists, or any error in the database.

Response: the user's informations in Json format.

  "id": "user_id",
  "email": "",
  "password": "example"


Route: POST

Description: Check if the user exist and send the corresponding response.

Header: No header needed.

Body: Admin access required (not implemented yet).

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Body: Json with the email and the password of the user.

  "email": "",
  "password": "example"


Route: GET

Description: Check if the jwt is valid.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: Ano body required.

Http code:

  • 202 (status accepted).
  • 401 (status unauthorized) if the token is not valid
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if the user is no longer in the database.

Body: No body.



Route: POST

Description: create the list of services and actions and reactions availables in the database.

Header: No header needed.


    "current_time":"current time",
              "description":" A new message is posted in the group"
              " description ":"A new private message is received by the user"
              " description ":"The user gains a like from one of their messages"
              "description":"The user likes a message"

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "Services created sucessfully"



Description: Delete all the services in the database

Header: No header needed.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 500 (internal server error) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "Services deleted sucessfully"


Route: GET

Description: Retrieve all the list of services, actions and reactions.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "Services created sucessfully"



Route: POST

Description: Create area in the database and send it to the dispatcher. It also send the acces_token of the Oauth services to the dispatcher.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.


  "area_name": "My new AREA",
  "user_id": "user id",
  "action_reaction": [
      "type": "action",
      "service": "google-drive",
      "name": "file_update",
      "order": 0,
      "params": {
        "filename": "fichier.docx"
      "type": "reaction",
      "service": "google-drive",
      "name": "upload_file",
      "order": 1,
      "params": {
        "param1": "modification.docx"

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "Area created sucessfully"


Route: GET

Description: Get a list of areas using the id of one user.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Response: json:

    "id": 11,
    "area_id": "id of the Area",
    "user_id": "user id",
    "area_name": "My new AREA",
    "action_reaction": "[{\"type\":\"action\",\"services\":\"google-drive\",\"name\":\"file_update\",\"order\":0,\"payload\":{\"params\":{}}},{\"type\":\"reaction\",\"services\":\"google-drive\",\"name\":\"upload_file\",\"order\":1,\"payload\":{\"params\":{}}}]"



Description: Delete an Area using its name.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.


  "area_name": "My new AREA"

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 400 (bad request) if the Json is not well formatted.
  • 406 (status not acceptable) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "Area '{area_name}' have been deleted successfully"



Route: GET

Description: Generate url for the frontend to connect.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.

Body: No body needed.

Http code:

  • 200 with the user in json format.
  • 500 (Internal server error) if any error in the database.

Response: string: "url of the service"


Route: POST

Description: Send the google drive tokens to the dispatcher.


  • Authorization: jwt of the user.


  "code": "code to extact the google drive tokens"

**Http code:**
- 200 with the user in json format.
- 500 (Internal server error) if any error in the database.

**Response:** json: google drive tokens sent to the dispatcher