This project named spring-graphql is an api that uses graphql technology. The main target is to use graphql which is a query language to retrieve data from a server. It is as an alternative to REST, SOAP or gRPC. The api exposes data about books and authors.
- Clone the project from GitHub to your machine
git clone
- Move to the project directory
cd spring-graphql
- Install dependencies using maven
mvn clean install
- Run the project on your IDE (IntelliJ IDEA for example) or using command
mvn spring-boot:run
Note: The schema of the response is specified by the client. This avoids over-fetching and under-fetching.
- Get list of books
- Get a book by its id
- Search a book by its attribute; it is or search. The search keys are title, pages, authorName and nationality.
- Update a book.
- Delete a book
- Save a book
- Get book by isbn
- Get all authors
- Get author by id
- Search authors by using email, name, nationality attributes (they're optional); it is a or search.
- Update author
- Delete author (books related to him / her are deleted)
- Get author by email
- Here is the official documentation of spring for graphql --> check it
- The documentation of graphql -->
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