Close Quarters

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“There are no mistakes when clearing a structure in combat, only actions that result in situations — situations that Marines must adapt to, improvise and overcome in a matter of seconds.”


  • Co-op
  • Map: United Sahrani
  • Player count: 25
    works well with lower player count
  • Typical duration: 10 min - 20 min
  • Mod dependencies (load into Arma 3 Launcher)

Scripting highlights

  • Heavily scripted AI behaviour scripts\server\ai.sqf
    • Indoor waypoints, skill adjustments, preventing AI from accidentally jumping off the building and more scripts\server\modules\enemyDeployment.sqf
    • Dynamically generated equipment scripts\server\modules\enemyStereotypes.sqf
    • Hostage situations with voice-overs (SWAT 4-inspired) scripts\server\modules\hostages.sqf
    • Enemies are neutral until BLUFOR fires at them or they spot BLUFOR approaching them (search for the Foley_suspectsHostile variable)
  • Adjustments to vehicles scripts\server\vehicles.sqf
    • Automatically shutting off siren when driver leaves the vehicle (GTA V-inspired)
    • Helicopter locked to pilot slots only
  • Paramedics are not targeted unless they pick-up a weapon or approach an enemy scripts\player\neutralMedic.sqf
  • Selectable enemy numbers, equipment and skill description.ext



