
This web app is a simple memo app. Now you can easily leave a memo temporarily. However, this application is not deployed, so you need to deploy it to any environment before using it.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SimpleMemo - A simple memo web app.

This app can make simple memo and remember temporarily. But not deployed, so if you want to use it, need to deploy at any environment.

Assumed environment

location: Japan (If you want to go to another country, you need to rewrite the code accordingly.) communication protocol: http (if you want https, you need to rewrite the code accordingly.)


comming soon

How to deploy

  1. If environment selected by you doesn't have docker, please install docker.
  2. If this environment doesn't have docker-compose, please install docker-compose.
  3. Download this project to any directory this environment and move to this project directory.
  4. Open the docker-compose.yml file in an editor such as vi.
  5. Please change MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD of environment of mysql as appropriate.
  6. Please change the ports of development-web-server as appropriate.
  7. Save your changes to the docker-compose.yml file and then close it.
  8. Open the env.tsx file in an editor such as vi.
  9. Change the productionEnv part according to the contents of the docker-compose.yml file.
  10. Run "docker-compose up" or "docker compose up".(It depends on the environment.)


If you find a bug or an improvement, please post it in issues.