
An interactive chess template for anki.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An interactive chess template for anki.

chess GIF

Tutorial: https://youtu.be/NZOK1dZAvpI


  • Works with PGN format
  • Support for piece promotions
  • Board auto orientates dpending on first move of given puzzle
  • Works offline and on Ankidroid (Ankidroid verified, IOS)
  • No addons required
  • Analysis board on the backside
  • Backside border colour to indicate mistakes
  • support for multiple lines. this means you can choose multiple moves to be the correct answer, and the cards will respond with a random move (if multiple lines exist).

Getting started

How to install:

  1. Go to the Releases page.
  2. In the latest release's Assets section, download "chess.apkg".
  3. Open Anki and make sure your devices are all synchronised.
  4. In the File menu, select Import.
  5. Browse for and select the downloaded file chess.apkg.
  6. Download the Media Files.rar folder and extract. Copy the contents of the Media Files folder into you anki collection.media folder

👉 To stay informed of new releases, make sure to watch this repository's releases.


First Move Orientation

For both of the following lines changing flip=true to flip=false. should result in the first move of the PGN being the first move in the puzzle, as oppose to the default behaviour which is that the first moves plays automatically and you must then respond.

On the front side:

	document.getElementById("Board").src = `_chess3.0.html?PGN=` + PGN + `&flip=true&backgroundColor=` + backgroundColor + `&handicap=` + handicap + ``;

and on the backside ate the bottom:

	document.getElementById("analysisBoard").src = `_ChessTempoViewer.html?PGN=` + PGN + `&flip=true&errorCheck=` + errorCheck + `&backgroundColor=` + backgroundColor + ``;


Changing the value of handicap in the following line will decide in the number of wrong moves you can make before the answer is shown. Note: Amount of wrong moves is equal to the value of handicap + 1.

	var handicap = 0;

Variation Randomization

Changing the value of randomLines will decide if variations in the PGN should be presented to you randomly or not. Note: If set to false, it will always show the first variation.

	var randomLines = true;

Cross Compatability

I have verified compatability with Windows/Linux and Ankidroid, however cannot verify for IOS and MAC. This is a note template however, and does not rely on addons, so it should be compatable.


The upgrade process is typically the same as the installation process explained in the previous section. However, when upgrading media files, it is important to fist delete them from your media folder and then sync. this will remove the old files from the anki servers and will allow each device to sync without issues.

resources used For this were:

ChessBoard js




and the PGN viewer


Auerswald Collection, 3500 tactics (PGN format)




pgn-parser (much better than what I tried to write haha)
