
A project template for simple Python scripts.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Simple Script Cookiecutter

I created this Cookiecutter template, to kickstart my personal and work related python scripts. I wanted to have all the validations and checks configured while keeping it simple.

I got a great deal of inspiration from two fantastic Cookiecutters:

So, why I didn't use these templates instead of creating mine?

Mostly because I wanted to learn a little bit more about Cookiecutter, but also because I'm a bit nit picker when it comes to project structures.


There is a caveat to use my template. You must use Cookiecutter from top of the tree. The reason for that is a feature I use on the template to define values to variables that the user should not need to see or complete when the template engine starts.

You can get the Cookiecutter top of the tree with pip:

$ pip3 install 'git+git://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter.git'

Once you have the latest Cookiecutter, you can use my template with the following command:

$ cookiecutter gh:Townk/cookiecutter-python-simple-script


  • Packaging and dependency management with Poetry;
  • Documentation with Sphinx_ and Read the Docs