
Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

License: GPL 3 MELPA Stable MELPA


mu4e is great, but viewing of html emails is suboptimal. This packages enables the user to choose how to view emails. It's main use case is to view html emails using an xwidgets window, but custom viewing methods are also supported.


Also provides methods to access content extracted from an email, e.g., urls or attachments. This makes it easier to build user defined viewing methods.



Symbol’s value as variable is void: mu4e-views is available from MELPA (both stable and unstable). Assuming your package-archives lists MELPA, just type

M-x package-install RET mu4e-views RET

to install it.


If you are not installing from melpa you have to install the dependency xwidgets-reuse first. Also this uses xwidget, so you can only use this package if your emacs has been compiled with support for xwidget. If you are unsure whether this is the case try running: (xwidget-webkit-browse-url "https://www.gnu.org/").


Using use-package with quelpa.

  :quelpa ((mu4e-views
    :fetcher github
    :repo "lordpretzel/mu4e-views")
  :upgrade t))


Using use-package with straight.el

(use-package mu4e-views
  :straight (mu4e-views :type git :host github :repo "lordpretzel/mu4e-views"))


Alternatively, install from source. First, clone the source code:

git clone https://github.com/lordpretzel/mu4e-views.git

Now, from Emacs execute:

M-x package-install-file RET MY-PATH/mu4e-views

Alternatively to the second step, add this to your Symbol’s value as variable is void: .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "MY-PATH/mu4e-views")
(require 'mu4e-views)


This package changes the way how mu4e shows emails when selecting an email from the mu4e-headers view. The main purpose of this package is to enable viewing of html emails in xwidgets-webkit, but is also possible for a user to define new custom views. Once a view is selected, you just use mu4e as usual and emails selected in the headers view are shown using the currently active view method.


After the package is loaded, you can call mu4e-views-mu4e-select-view-msg-method from the mu4e-headers view to select the method to use for viewing. Per default mu4e-view supports:

  • html - uses xwidgets to show the email
  • text - the default mu4e method for viewing emails that translates the email into text
  • browser - open the email using browse-url, e.g., in your system browser

You may want to bind this to a key in mu4e-headers-mode-map.

(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "v") #'mu4e-views-mu4e-select-view-msg-method)

Here is an example setup:

(use-package mu4e-views
  :after mu4e
  :defer nil
  :quelpa ((mu4e-views
            :fetcher github
            :repo "lordpretzel/mu4e-views")
           :upgrade t)
  :bind (:map mu4e-headers-mode-map
	    ("v" . mu4e-views-mu4e-select-view-msg-method) ;; select viewing method
	    ("M-n" . mu4e-views-cursor-msg-view-window-down) ;; from headers window scroll the email view
	    ("M-p" . mu4e-views-cursor-msg-view-window-up) ;; from headers window scroll the email view
  (setq mu4e-views-completion-method 'ivy) ;; use ivy for completion
  (setq mu4e-views-default-view-method "html") ;; make xwidgets default
  (mu4e-views-mu4e-use-view-msg-method "html") ;; select the default
  (setq mu4e-views-next-previous-message-behaviour 'stick-to-current-window)) ;; when pressing n and p stay in the current window


  • mu4e-views-completion-method - framework used for completion.
  • mu4e-views-mu4e-html-email-header-style - CSS style for showing the header of an email (mu4e-views injects this header into the html text of the email). Customize to change appearance of this header.
  • mu4e-views-next-previous-message-behaviour - per default mu4e switches from the headers window to the view window once an email is opened, e.g., by pressing n. This option customizes this behavior:
    • always-switch-to-headers - always switch back the headers window
    • always-switch-to-view - always switch back the view window (default behavior of mu4e)
    • stick-to-current-window - stay in the current window (headers or views)
  • mu4e-views-inject-email-information-into-html - if t, then create a header shown on top of the html message with useful information from the email
  • mu4e-views-view-commands - the view methods supported by mu4e-views. Customize to add new methods.
  • mu4e-views-default-view-method - the default method for viewing emails.

xwidgets view

Several keys are bound in this view to store attachments, open attachments, go to urls in the email similar to the regular mu4e view window.

  • q: mu4e-views-mu4e-headers-windows-only - quit view window
  • n: mu4e-views-mu4e-headers-next - move to next message
  • p: mu4e-views-mu4e-headers-prev - move to previous message
  • o: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-open-attachment - open an attachment
  • g: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-go-to-url - go to URL from email
  • k: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-save-url - save URL
  • e: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-save-attachment - save an attachment
  • E: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-save-all-attachment - save all attachments
  • a: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-action - call a mu4e view action
  • f: mu4e-views-mu4e-view-fetch-url - fetch URL from email

Synergy with xwwp

To use your keyboard to click on links in an email shown in xwidgets, you can use the excellent xwwp package.

Define custom views

To define a new view, you need to create a function my-view-func(html msg win) that uses window win to show the message. html is the name of a file storing html text of the message. If mu4e-views-inject-email-information-into-html is t then mu4e-views injects a header into the html code to show some basic information about the email (e.g., sender, attachments, ...). msg is a mu4e internal message object. You can use it to extract additional information about the email to be shown. Please refer to the mu4e and mu4e-views source code to see how this works. To make mu4e-views aware of your new view method add it to mu4e-views-view-commands giving it a user-facing name. The format is (cons name plist). Methods that do not show the email in emacs should set :no-view-window t which instructs mu4e-views to not create a window for viewing the email. Any view methods needs to set :viewfunc to a function my-view-func(html msg win). For example,

(add-to-list 'mu4e-views-view-commands (:viewfunc #'my-view-func))

mu4e-views provides several helper functions for doing typical things with emails such as storing attachments as described above. These functions can be used in custom views too.