
My personal ZSH configuration file.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to my full zsh configuration!

Target audience

Anyone can use and modify my configurations in any way needed. I would only suggest that you 1) give me credit for something interesting you find here and 2) share your changes so other could benefit from it.

That being said I would like to point out that I work as a software engineer so most of my configurations are target for that kind of work.


You can use this in any way you prefer but I would like to show you how I use it in my machines.

  1. Clone this project into ~/.config/zsh;
  2. Change the ZDOTDIR to point to it;

Like this:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.config
    $ git clone https://github.com/Townk/zsh-config.git ~/.config/zsh

Now you need to tell ZSH how to find your ZSH configuration. This is where it can get confusing. Depending on the operating system you are, you should do a different thing.


If you installed ZSH from yout distro packages, find out where the zprofile file is located. Some distros will use the same file as Bash, but I find out that some distros will put it at /etc/zsh/zprofile.

Assuming the the file is located at /etc/zsh/zprofile:

    $ sudo echo "export ZDOTDIR=~/.config/zsh" >> /etc/zsh/zprofile


On macOS things are a bit more complicated. The system does not use normal Unix artifacts to configure environment variable, and we have to rely on whatever macOS provides.

To do so, we have to create a launchctl script and make sure it is executed when we login.

Note: Although this approach works on most of the cases, when you restart the computer and ask it to re-open the opened applications, this launchd script will not be run before the OS start your previously opened terminals. In this case, simply restart all your terminals and everything will work again.

Create a plist file (the name you use is not important), add this content to it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
  <plist version="1.0">
    <string>/Users/[your username]/.config/zsh</string>

And save it to /Library/LaunchAgents/.

Now you can logout and login again, or load your new script with:

    $ launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/myvars.plist

Non root or sudo access

If you want to install this ZSH config but you can't execut sudo commands, just link the zshenv file from this repo to ~/.zshenv:

    $ ln -sf ~/.config/zsh/zshenv ~/.zshenv

Also, if your user has Bash configure to it, you can still get ZSH without sudo. Link the profile file in this repository to ~/.profile:

    $ ln -sf ~/.config/zsh/profile ~/.profile