
Web app for journal suitability metrics, based on manuscript title, abstract and references.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Jot: Journal Targeter


Jot is a web app that identifies potential target journals for a manuscript, based on the manuscript's title, abstract, and (optionally) references. Jot gathers a wealth of data on journal quality, impact, fit, and open access options that can be explored through linked, interactive visualizations.

To try it out, you have two options:

  1. Visit the website: Jot is available at https://jot.publichealth.yale.edu
  2. Run your own Jot server. Instructions below.


About Jot

Jot builds upon the API of Jane (Journal/Author Name Estimator, https://jane.biosemantics.org/) to identify PubMed articles that are similar in content to a manuscript's title and abstract. Jot gathers these articles and their similarity scores together with manuscript citations and a journal metadata assembled from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Sherpa Romeo, and impact metric databases. The result is a personalised, multi-dimensional data set that can be navigated through a series of linked, interactive plots and tables, allowing an author to sort and study journals according to the attributes most important to them.

How to run your own server


To run a Jot server, you first need to install the python package journal_targeter on your machine. You have a few options:

  1. (Easiest) Install from PyPI.
    1. To install directly into your current Python (virtual) environment, run:
      pip install journal_targeter
    2. For the convenience of an app-specific environment, use pipx:
      pipx install journal_targeter
  2. Install from source code.
    1. In your terminal, clone the journal_targeter repository to a convenient for long-term storage, and cd into the new directory.
    2. (Optional/Recommended) Create and activate a new virtual environment using venv or conda.
      • With conda/miniconda installed, you can easily create an environment with the required dependencies using the provided environment.yaml file:
        conda env create -n jot -f environment.abstract.yaml
        Activate this environment (necessary each time you want to run Jot) with:
        conda activate jot
    3. To install dependencies (if you didn't use the conda step above), run:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. Finally, install the package in development mode using:
      python setup.py develop

Command-line interface (CLI)

Quick start

With the Python package installed as above, an executable called journal_targeter should now be available on your path. Without any further configuration, you can try out the server using:

journal_targeter flask run

This will set up the application (copying/building key data in an application support folder) then start a Flask development server. The app will be available in your browser at

Available commands

Run journal_targeter without arguments to see a list of commands. Add the '--help' flag after a command name to get more information on the command.

Usage: journal_targeter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --verbose / --quiet
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  build-demo      (Re)build demo data.
  flask           Serve using Flask cli.
  gunicorn        Serve using gunicorn.
  lookup-journal  Find journal metadata using title and optional ISSNs.
  match           Run search and save results as html file.
  setup           Set up environment variables for running server.
  update-sources  Update data sources, inc NLM, DOAJ, Sherpa Romeo, etc.

To configure the application, the setup prompt command will walk you through the creation of a configuration .env file.

journal_targeter setup prompt

To serve the app, you can use the Flask development server (not recommended for production settings) or gunicorn (Mac/Unix/Linux):

# Flask, running on port 5005
journal_targeter flask run -p 5005 -h

# ...or gunicorn, running on port 5005 with 1 gevent worker
journal_targeter gunicorn -b -w 1 -k gevent

You can update data sources without waiting for a new journal_targeter release. Examples:

# Update NLM catalog data, adding --clear-metadata to start with the latest 
# metadata for all journals. (~13min) 
journal_targeter update-sources --update-nlm --clear-metadata

# Update DOAJ data from a downloaded CSV (https://doaj.org/csv), with 5 cores for matching (~4min)
journal_targeter update-sources --ncpus 5 -d journalcsv__doaj_20211028_1036_utf8.csv

# Update Sherpa Romeo data, downloaded via API (requires API KEY), with 5 cores, 
# skipping the optional NLM update
journal_targeter update-sources --ncpus 5 --skip-nlm --romeo

# Update the Scopus metrics from a downloaded 'source titles and metrics' file
# via https://www.scopus.com/sources 
journal_targeter update-sources --ncpus 5 --scopus-path "CiteScore 2011-2020 new methodology - May 2021.xlsb"

Modifying the code

This code comes with a GPLv3 license, so feel free to tinker and share under the license terms.

To enable the interactive debugger, set the FLASK_ENV variable to 'development':

FLASK_ENV=development journal_targeter flask run