
An add-on plugin for Towny, which makes claiming more organized, reducing staff workload and server toxicity.

Primary LanguageJava


ℹ️ Overview

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ An add-on plugin for Towny, which makes claiming more organized, reducing staff workload and server toxicity.

🎁 Features

  • 🌐 Divides The Map Automatically into Provinces:
    • 🎩 Civilised Provinces: 1 town only, no foreign outposts allowed.
    • 🌊 Sea Provinces: No towns, outposts allowed
    • 🏜️ Wasteland Provinces: No towns, outposts allowed

πŸ› οΈ Solves

  • πŸ’Έ Overclaiming: Each town has a reserved claiming area; No need to throw away money on overclaiming.
  • 🚫 Claim Blocking: No town can block the claiming plans of another town.
  • 🐍 Snake Claiming: Snake claiming is irrelevant.
  • πŸ” Town Surrounding: A town cannot surrounded itself with another town (e.g. to become un-attackable).
  • 🚷 Travel Blocking: Travel cannot be blocked by claims, because province borders are always wilderness.
  • β›Ί Inactive towns in popular areas: Upkeep can be raised in popular regions, discouraging inactive towns.
  • πŸ§œβ€β™‚οΈ Sea Peoples: Founding towns in the open sea can be prevented, if a server so chooses.
  • πŸŽ… Hermits: Upkeep can be lowered in unpopular regions, supporting players with isolationist styles of play.

πŸ‘οΈ Map View

  • image

πŸ’Ύ Installation Guide

  1. Ensure your server has Towny or newer.
  2. Ensure your server has a map-display plugin: Either Dynmap, Pl3xMap, BlueMap or squaremap.
  3. Download the TownyProvinces plugin jar file from here, and drop it into your server plugins folder.
  4. Stop your server.
  5. Start your server with plenty of memory (especially for big maps).
    • Example: With Spigot you might run: java -Xms1G -Xmx3G -XX:+UseG1GC -jar spigot-1.20.4.jar nogui.

🏈 Player Guide

  • πŸ™οΈ Towns:
    • 1 Town can be active in each Civilized province.
    • Each civilized province has a "New Town Cost", which applies when creating a new town.
    • Each civilized province has an "Upkeep Town Cost", which applies to existing towns.
  • β›Ί Outposts:
    • Outposts can be placed in Sea and Wasteland provinces.
    • Outposts can be expanded, however each town can have a maximum of 8 townblocks per foreign province.

⏩ Admin Quick-Start Guide

  1. Run tpra region regenerate all. This will generate 2 small sample regions.
  2. To see the generated provinces, view your website-map.

▢️ Admin Full Guide

  1. Protect Historical Town Locations
    • If you are running a "Historical" map (e.g. "Earth"), make sure to protect important historical town locations, to ensure border-lines don't cut throught them.
    • To do this, add the co-ordinates of those locations to your region def files. (for an example, see the automatically generated "Europe.yml".
    • It may help to ask players which locations they want protected, to ensure you don't forget any, and to get them involved in using the plugin.
  2. Be aware of known technical issues:
    • The Hexagonal dynmap view does not look right. A fix is ticketed.
    • On very large maps (e.g. 1:500). TownyProvinces tends to "sit" on lots of memory. A fix is in development.
    • When making a new town, the 'confirmation' message does not show the correct amount. But the correct amount is charged.
  3. Configure
    • Configure as many region definition files as you want, in /region_definitions.
    • Region definition files are evaluated in alpha-numeric order.
    • The first region definition file should be the size of the entire map.
  4. Generate Provinces
    • Run 'tpra region regenerate all' to regenerate all the regions you have specified.
    • After the Regeneration Job is complete, run tpra landvalidationjob start. This will automatically identify the biome constituents in the province, then will adjust the province type and prices accordingly. Expect this to take a while; you can adjust the milliseconds before lookup in config.yml.
    • After the Land Validation Job runs, expect to tweak a few provinces for type, and a few regions for pricing.

⌨️ Admin Commands (best run from console)

  • tpra region [regenerate] [<Region Name>] -> Regenerate a region.
  • tpra landvalidationjob [status|start|stop|restart|pause] -> Control the land validation job.
    • This Job assigns a type to each provinces, either Civilized, Sea, or Wasteland. It also Assesses and records the Biome proportions in each province. These proportions affect the new/upkeep prices.
    • NOTE: The automatic validation is not perfect, so expect to convert a few provinces afterwards using the below commands.
  • tpra province settype [civilized|sea|wasteland] [<x>,<z>] -> Set the type of a province.
  • tpra province settype [civilized|sea|wasteland] [<x1>,<z1>] [<2x>,<z2>] -> Set the type of all provinces in a rectangular area.
  • tpra region [newtowncostperchunk] [<Region Name>] [amount] -> Set the per-chunk new-town-cost for a region.
  • tpra region [upkeeptowncostperchunk] [<Region Name>] [amount] -> Set the per-chunk upkeep-town-cost for a region.
  • tpra reload -> Reload Config and Language files, and refresh map.

🧠 Advanced Guide to Region Definitions

To fully understand how to configure your region definition files, you must understand how provinces are generated:

  • STEP 1: "Claim Brushes" are created and placed in the given region
    • image
  • STEP 2: Each claim brush then moves in a random direction
    • image
  • STEP 3: Each claim brush then moves a few more times
    • image
  • STEP 4: The gaps between each province are filled in, except for a 1 chunk border
    • image

πŸ“œ Credits

  • TownyProvinces was developed by Goosius in Summer 2023.
  • Special thanks to Valoria Earth, who were very supportive and helpful during the development of the plugin.
  • And many many thanks to Llama, for adopting TownyProvinces in the Towny family.