
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Fact Checking

Indexing pipeline

  • Crawling: Crawl data from Wikipedia, starting from the page List of mainstream rock performers and using the python wrapper
  • Indexing
    • Preprocess the downloaded documents into chunks consisting of 2 sentences
    • Chunks with less than 10 words are discarded, because they are not very informative
    • Instantiate a FAISS Document store and store the passages on it
    • Create embeddings for the passages, using a Sentence Transformer model and save them in FAISS. The retrieval task will involve asymmetric semantic search
    • Save FAISS index

Search pipeline

  • The user enters a factual statement
  • Compute the embedding of the user statement using the same Sentence Transformer used for indexing (msmarco-distilbert-base-tas-b)
  • Retrieve the K most relevant text passages stored in FAISS (along with their relevance scores)
  • Text entailment task: compute the text entailment between each text passage (premise) and the user statement (hypothesis), using a Natural Language Inference model (microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge-mnli). For every text passage, we have 3 scores (summing to 1): entailment, contradiction, and neutral
  • Aggregate the text entailment scores: compute their weighted average, where the weight is the relevance score. Now it is possible to tell if the knowledge base confirms, is neutral, or disproves the user statement
  • Empirical consideration: if in the first N passages (N<K), there is strong evidence of entailment/contradiction (partial aggregate scores > 0.5), it is better not to consider (K-N) less relevant documents

Repository structure


To install this project locally, follow these steps:

  • git clone https://github.com/Tox1cCoder/Rocks-checking
  • cd Rocks-checking
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the web app, simply type: streamlit run Rock_fact_checker.py