
Chrome extension that improves Bitbucket's user interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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We all know Bitbucket lacks some features that we have in GitHub, GitLab etc. Based on Sindre Sorhus' Refined Github extension I had the idea of improving BitBucket's user interface. In fact, Rodrigo Proença did most of the initial code and I just created the extension and made a few improvements. Kudos!

Current features

  • Improves syntax highlight for pull requests. Enabled languages:
    • Markup, C-like languages, Go, Groovy, Bash, Handlebars, JSON, Dart, Elixir, Erlang, Markdown, Python, React JSX, Ruby, PHP, Scala, Less, Sass, Swift, YAML, etc. See the full list. Missing any language? Let me know or submit a pull request!
  • Double click on a word to highlight all occurrences.
  • Block pull request merging without a minimum number of approvals (defaults to 2 minimum approvals).


Refined Bitbucket is available on the Google Chrome Web Store.


Refined BitBucket now supplies a key binding feature, which allows for quicker navigation through pull requests.

Default Key Mapping

The following are the default key mappings

Tab Selection

bitbucket pull request tabs

Key Action
1 Selects the Overview tab
2 Selects the Commits tab
3 Selects the Activity tab

Page Navigation and Scrolling

Upper case letters mean that you need to press shift and the letter

Key Action
N Scrolls to the Next comment on the page.
P Scrolls to the Previous comment on the page.
g g Scrolls to the top of the page
G Scrolls to the bottom of the page

Compiling & Contributing

Contributions are very appreciated!

There are a few dependencies required to compile the plugin. To install them, run:

npm install

Then you'll just need to run:

npm run build

This will create the extension.js file and test the code you write and load the unpackaged extension in your Chrome. If you're new to Chrome extension development, take some time to read Google's documentation on extensions.


There is a test suite included. Before sending a pull request please make sure all tests are passing by running:

npm test


MIT © andremw