Issue: Changes to 404 handling have resulted in server-rendered 404 pages no longer working on Cloudflare.

Behaviors in different versions

Expected behavior:

  1. The 404 page loads when going to a non-existent route
  2. The 404 page can perform redirects to case-corrected versions of pages or aliases will redirect to correct page
    • Examples:
      • /eXaMPLe can be redirected to /example
      • /index can be redirected to /
  • These behaviours are tested to work in Astro v2.9.6 with Cloudflare adapter v6.6.2

Updated behavior with Astro v2.9.7 and higher

  1. Cloudflare sends a default 404 error with no page when accessing a non-existent route
  2. The 404 page still can be accessed from /404
  3. Case-corrections and aliases will not be redirected
  • These behaviours are tested to work in Astro v2.9.7 and higher with Cloudflare adapter v6.6.2

Updated behavior with Cloudflare adapter v6.7.0 and higher

  1. Cloudflare returns with the contents of the index route without redirecting or updating the url when accessing a non-existent route
  2. The 404 page still can be accessed from /404
  3. Case-corrections and aliases still will not be redirected
  • These behaviours are tested to work in Astro v2.10.5 and higher with Cloudflare adapter v6.7.0 and higher and is the current behavior on latest versions of both.

This issue does not happen on latest when prerendering the 404 page

However, this doesn't allow you to use the 404 page to do case-corrections and handle aliases

  • The latest-prerendered branch dedicated to this behavior

Branches and their issues

Branch Bad Routes Aliases Case-correction
astro@2.9.6 Renders 404.astro Working Working
astro@2.9.7 Returns nothing Configured redirects only Not working
astro@2.10.5-cloudflare@6.6.2 Returns nothing Configured redirects only Not working
astro@2.10.5-cloudflare@6.7.0 Returns index.astro Configured redirects only Not working
latest Returns index.astro Configured redirects only Not working
latest-prerendered Renders 404.astro Configured redirects only Not working

Testing yourself

You can test this on your own by cloning this repo. There is a branch for each of the versions mentioned above.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run preview
    • I've changed this to build then preview in wrangler
  4. Open the preview link in your browser
  • Ideal behavior:
    • / - The index
    • /inDEx - redirects to /
    • /404 - The 404 page
    • /literallyanyotherpage - renders the 404 page

When changing versions, make sure to run npm install again before previewing