Gundam Led Web API Controller

A Web API created in ASP .NET Core with an Angular frontend designed to control RGB light values over the browser.

Featuring the ugliest interface in the world:


Heres what the LED looks like in Gundam:




This project runs entirely on a Raspberry Pi in order to make use of its GPIO pins.

GPIO Wiring:



This project made use of the Web API/Angular template on Visual Studio 2019. To control the Pi's GPIO pins I used the Nuget package manager to install the System.Device.Gpio and Iot.Device.Bindings packages. I also include Swashbuckle.AspNetCore for Web Api debugging.


I developed the entirety of this application on my desktop so to run it on the Pi I had to do a couple extra steps:

command to publish:

dotnet publish -r linux-arm

and then used scp to push the app onto the pi:

scp -r /publish-location/* pi@raspberrypi:/home/pi/deployment-location/

These are steps outlined in Microsofts official IOT documentation I then ssh into the pi and run chmod +x ./RGB within the deployment folder.

I also make sure to tell the program to run it on all url's so I can connect to the site on my desktop, far away from the pi.

./RGB --urls https://*:<PORT>

Future work

I think this program is pretty much finished for my personal Gundam build but I would like to add a Feature that allows me to modify the brightness of the led by pushing a string to the api. Something similar to Quake's light animation

Another thing I need to do is to put some actual effort into the Angular side of things and make the interface look presentable.