This script turns a void rootfs tarball, which can be aquired here, into a fully operational voidlinux install.


This script contains some logic specific to installing voidlinux on a raspberryPi. This won't work against an x86 rootfs, but could be modified to do so.


  1. This script expects to be run on a voidlinx machine, mostly because it uses xbps outside the chroot and copies xbps keys from your local machine into the chroot.
  2. This script requires the machine you're running it on to have the binfmt-support and qemu-user-static packages installed to chroot into the aarch64 system.

This should cover both 1 and 2:

sudo xbps-install binfmt-support qemu-user-static # Install required packages
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/binfmt-support /var/service/ # Enable the binfmt-support service