
Telegram poll bot

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram poll bot - run all sorts of different polls, such as polls with multiple options, polls with different evaluation strategies, or polls where you can see who voted for what.

Check out the official instance if all you want is to use this bot.

But, Telegram has native polls now!

Yes, that's true. But this bot still has a few more features ;)


Simply text the /start command to the bot and it will guide you through the creation of a new poll.

Poll types

  • Basic poll: A straightforward first-past-the-post poll.
  • Subset poll: Lets you vote for any subset of the available options
  • Instant runoff poll: Lets you define an order of preference and picks the option which is preferred by most.
  • Instant runoff poll with fallback tie-breaking: Like instant runoff, but tries extra hard to break ties.
  • Open poll: Like basic poll, but you can see who voted for what.
  • Basic poll with custom description: Like basic poll, but lets you add a custom text to the poll message.
  • Single transferable vote poll: Similar to instant runoff, but multiple choices will be elected.
  • Open poll with custom description: Like open poll, but lets you add a custom text to the poll message.
  • Instant runoff poll with custom description: Like instant runoff, but with a custom description
  • Multiple options poll: Lets you vote for multiple options
  • Open multiple options poll: Lets you vote for multiple options, and people can see who voted for what.
  • Doodle: Lets you pick the preferred out of multiple options, with yes-no-ifneedbe answers

Running it yourself

Since you're here on my Github, perhaps you wanted to run your own poll bot instance? Feel free! Simply install the required python packages from requirements.txt and then create a config file for your bot.

The config file looks like this:

token: "123456789:ThisIsYourTelegramBotSecretToken1234"
db: "votes.db" 

The db entry is the path of the SQLite database in which poll information is stored. Provide a file name, and a sqlite file will automatically be created.