

  • Specification draft: Google Docs

  • Tutorial for writing lexer: Link

  • Tokens example: Link

  • Go ast: Link

  • Version: v0.1

How to use

go run  ./cmd/compiler/main.go ./vinlang_src/expression_2.vl

Code guidelines

Project structure

Follow a project structure from here.

  • cmd is a main applications for this project.
  • internal is a private application and library code.
  • pkg is a library code that's ok to use by external applications
  • vinlang_src contains VinLang programs.

VinLang grammar

Program: SequenceStatement;

Function: ‘hàm’  ID ‘(‘ FunctionArgs ‘)’  ‘:’ <Type> ‘{‘ SequenceStatement ‘}’
FunctionArgs: FunctionArg (‘,’ FunctionArg)* 
		        | e
FunctionArg: ID ‘:’ Type

SequenceStatement: Statement (Statement)* ;

Statement: ID ‘=’ Expression ‘;’
        | ‘nếu’ Bool ‘khong_thi’ Statement ‘thi’ Statement # if
        | ‘lặp’ (VarDeclaration; Bool; Expression)  	 # for
        | ‘dung’ ‘;’							                         # break
        | ‘tiep’ ‘;’						                           # continue
        | ‘in’ Expression ‘;’						                   # print
        | ‘{‘ SequenceStatement ‘}’					               # block code
        | Declaration ’;’					                 # declare variable
        | ‘tra’ Expression ‘;’ 						                 # return

VarDeclaration: bien Id ‘:’ Type (‘=’ Expression)*;

# Type: ‘so’ | ‘chuoi’		// number or string 

Expression: Number                                     # int
          | 'read'                                     # read
          | ID                                         # id
          | expression '*' expression                  # binOp
          | expression ('+'|'-') expression            # binOp
          | '(' expression ')'                         # expParen

Bool: (‘dung’|’sai’)                                 # boolean
    | Expression '=' Expression                      # relOp
    | Expression '<=' Expression                     # relOp
    | ‘khong’ Bool                                   # not
    | Bool 'var' Bool                                # and
    | '(' Bool ')'                                   # boolParen

Number: // Regex: ^\d*(.\d)*$

ID: ID_R ( ‘(‘ )*
ID_R// Regex: [a-z]([a-z]|\d)+

Text: ‘“‘ AnyCharacter ‘“‘;
AnyCharacter: // Regex: .+