Primary LanguagePython


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Team directory for Brandon, Chris, Kyle, Nate, and Shreshth

Space Invaders 👾

  • Brandon

        Created the start screen and win screen

  • Chris

        Created levels 3 and 4. Assisted in the creation of the JSON file. Implemented the new required sounds.

  • Kyle

        Created the level states, JSON files and the general structure for upcoming levels and changes to be implemented.

  • Nate

        Created the screen in between levels and level 2

  • Shreshth

        Created the visuals for the game and helped fix bugs

Pong Game Mods 🏓

  • Mod (Brandon)
  •     We made a start screen to provide the user information on the name of the game, ability to start and quit the game. Also a theme song plays at the beginnning of the game to set the mood for the player that this is a retro style game.

  • Mod (Chris)
  •     We made the fast ball mod which changes the speed of the ball after it's randomly selected when the ball hits an item box; this can be triggered multiple times. This adds increased difficulty for both the player and opponent when receiving the ball. We also added that the ball changes colors to represent the speed of the ball. This adds a visual representation to help the player understand if the ball has changed in speed. The ball colors from slowest to fastest respectively is blue, grey, yellow, orange and red. Both of these modifications we made to the game improves gameplay by both helping the player understand changes as well as increasing the difficulty.

  • Item Box (Kyle)
  •     We made the item boxes with the random mods to help liven the game up a bit. The item boxes will spawn roughly every 7 seconds in a new location somewhere on the playing field. By having item boxes triggering mods keeps the game interesting and provides some sort of randomness to the game and makes it slightly more difficult for both players. Right now, each mod will play a particular sound to help identify what mod is being activated and 1 of 7 mods will be triggered.

    1. Reverse the controls (Up is down, down is up)
    2. Cleanse controls (Revert controls back to normal)
    3. Shrink paddles by 25%
    4. Grows paddles by 15%
    5. Slows paddle speed by 25%
    6. Speeds up paddle by 25%
    7. Increase ball speed by 15% + (0 to 3) points

  • Mod (Nate)
  •     Transparent Mod: Every time a player/opponent scores, the opposite player will have an almost transparent bar instead.This awards the scoring player, while punishing the losing player at the same time.Although it might be punishing, it can encourage the losing player to focus and work on their predictions to be able score.

  • Multiplayer (Shreshth)
  •     We made a Multiplayer mod that allows users to select the gamemode (Singleplayer/Multiplayerthey would like to play. If Mutliplayer is selected a second paddle can be controlled by another player using W and S. This mod included creating opponents based on user selection and creating collisions and scoring based on the selected gamemode. This mod also included the addition of buttons and corresponding triggers on the start screen.