
Compile LaTeX files into pdf documents using Rake and latexmk.

Primary LanguageRubyBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

docbld - Document Build

The docbld repository simplifies compiling LaTeX files into pdf documents.


$ cd $HOME
$ git clone git@github.com:Traap/docbld.git

Add this function to .bashrc



function docbld() {
  rake --rakefile ${DOCBLDPATH}/Rakefile $1


$ docbld -T
  rake clean           # Remove any temporary products.
  rake clobber         # Remove any generated files.
  rake copy_files      # Copy files to _build directory.
  rake default         # Default deploy task.
  rake deploy          # Build and deploy documents to _build directory.
  rake list_files      # List texx files to compile.
  rake remove_diskdir  # Remove _build directory.
  rake texx            # Compile tex to pdf.


docbld recursively searches the current directory for files with a texx extension. Upon finding them, it compiles them into pdf documents, moves the pdf documents to the _build directory, and eliminates temporary files.