Traap's repositories use a lightweight project management system provided by GitHub.
A project board is created with the following columns:
- Backlog - Issues that have not been started.
- In Progress - Issues that are being worked on.
- In Review - Issues that have are part of a pull request or manual review process.
- Done - Issues that are done.
- Pull Request - Issues that are tagged as a pull request.
lpm uses different done classifications as follows:
- duplicate - A reference to one or more duplicate is provided.
- invalid - An Issues has been determined to be invalid. A rationale is given.
- wontfix - An Issues will not be fixed and a rationale is given.
lpm uses GitHub milestones as a Sprint. Projects uses 5-day sprints. Sprints names use the following naming convention: Sprint vM.N.S, where
- M - the major Release number starting with 1.
- N - the minor Release number starting with 0.
- S - the Sprint number starting with 0.
As an example, three consecutive Sprints are declared as follows:
- Sprint v1.0.0 - Started 2017.02.23 and ended 2017.02.24.
- Sprint v1.0.1 - Started 2017.02.27 and ended 2017.03.03.
- Sprint v1.0.2 - Started 2017.03.06 and ended 2017.03.10.
lpm uses labels as follows:
- bug - is an Issues that did not meet the intent of the Story.
- duplicate - is an Issues that duplicates another issue regardless of the Issues label. A rationale is given for duplicate Issues.
- enhancement - the Agile Story format
As a <type of user> I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.
- help wanted - is most often used as a secondary tag to ask for help determining the direction an Issues should take.
- invalid - is an issue that is invalid. A rationale is given for invalid Issues.
- pull request - is used to label a pull request.
- question - is most often used as a secondary tag to ask another person a question and to track the answer to closure.
- wontfix - this Issues will not be fixed. A rationale is given for Issues that are not fixed.
lpm consist of one or more milestones. Release names use the following naming convention: vM.N.P name, where
- M - the major Release number starting with 1.
- N - the minor Release number starting with 0.
- P - the patch Release number starting with 0.
- name - a descriptive name for the release.