The source code of Beyond Low-pass Filtering on Large-scale Graphs via Adaptive Filtering Graph Neural Networks
To reproduce the results of AFGNN on the Cora dataset, please run following commands.
Conda activate your_conda_env_name
If you need to apply AFGNN to other datasets, simply modify the dataset section in and use the hyperparameters suggested in the paper for training.
Please cite our work if you find it is useful for you:
title = {Beyond Low-Pass Filtering on Large-Scale Graphs via Adaptive Filtering Graph Neural Networks},
author = {Zhang, Qi and Li, Jinghua and Sun, Yanfeng and Wang, Shaofan and Gao, Junbin and Yin, Baocai},
date = {2024-01},
journaltitle = {Neural Networks},
volume = {169},
pages = {1--10},
doi = {}