
scripts associated with an enclosure experiment looking at food-web changes based on mussel presence/community

Primary LanguageR

Field Enclosure 2017 [FEn17]

Scripts associated with an enclosure experiment looking at food-web changes based on mussel presence/community. 50 enclosures placed in the Kiamichi River: 10 Amblema plicata dominated alive, 10 Actinonaias ligamentina dominated alive, 10 Amblema plicata dominated shams, 10 Actinaias ligamentina dominated shams, and 10 true controls. X species dominated communities had 7 dominants and 3 sub-ordinant individuals.

Order to run the scripts

Slurry Analysis.R

Script that loads basic data, calculates Chlorophyl density and AFDM at each enclosure, results in a master matrix called basalres that contains chlorophyl and AFDM measures for each enclosure at each week.


Script that creates a raster that shows an approximation of the relative position of each enclosure. Also creates a raster map of different physiochemical characteristics and primary production.


Takes raw data and produces counts, sizes, and biomass densities. Need to use densities because sampling was not consistent (basket recovery was not perfect)

Table Script.R

Brings together all the information for a covariate table for the manuscript.


Based on code by Dr. Thomas Parr, used to analyze the nutrient diffusing substrata placed within the river during our experiment.


Script to evaluate potential stoichiometry differences in the periphyton samples on tiles in each enclosure.


Products from this project

Hopper, G. W., DuBose, T. P., Gido, K. B., & Vaughn, C. C. (2019). Freshwater mussels alter fish distributions through habitat modifications at fine spatial scales. Freshwater Science, 38(4), 702-712.
