
Minimal template to set-up Django with TailwindCSS and daisyUI

Primary LanguagePython

Minimal template to set-up a Django project with TailwindCSS and daisyUI

As described, this code will set-up a Django Project with tailwindCSS and daisyUI. The auto-reload feature is also included.

The code for this was vastly inspired from a stackoverflow answer on How to use TailwindCSS with Django?. You can have a look ay my blog post for some details.

Set-up the project

To set-up the project from scratch, run the following commands in your terminal.

git clone https://github.com/kenshuri/setup_django_tailwind_daisyui.git
cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
python -m virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd jstoolchains
npm install

You're good to go my friend!

Start your project

To see your project in action, open 2 terminals.

In the first terminal run:

cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
cd jstoolchains
npm run tailwind-watch

In the second terminal run:

cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
python manage.py runserver

As prompted, open the page and enjoy 🚀

Note that changes in your html template blogApp\templates\blogApp\index.html automatically updates what you see in your browser.