
A web app to help you see how different habits, behaviors and external factors affect you.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A web app to help you see how different habits, behaviors and external factors affect you.


Backend Front-end Testing Development tools
Mongodb Angular Mocha Grunt
Mongoose jQuery Chai Browserify
Node.js D3 (data visualization) Karma & karma-browserify Bower & debowerify
Express Sass, Bourbon [Protractor] (https://github.com/angular/protractor)

Tasks, bugs, to-dos

  • Asana for tasks that don't involve the codebase (research, etc).
  • Github issue tracker for tasks that do involve the codebase.
  • Assign yourself to anything that you're currently working on.

Project structure

Based on meanjs.org folder structure and angular docs, with some adaptations (folder naming conventions, project size).


  • Angular and meanjs.org both recommend completely modularizing pieces of your app
    • Each module can potentially have it's own styling, images, etc. as well as angular components
    • The 'core' module holds things that apply to everything (base styles, etc)
    • They put a tests folder inside each module, which I actually kind of like (rather than having a test directory in root with a bunch of subdirectories). It should be easy to set up test runners using a pattern, and makes it obvious how much testing you have set up for each module.
  • Meanjs has a very complicated configuration setup that seems like overkill for our scope, and also automates angular module loading, which I think would be useful if you already know angular, but might be more confusing for us. So I left that out, but I liked a couple things from it:
    • If needed, having a config.js file where we define paths in our folder that we can reuse in other files (karma conf, gruntfile, maybe others)
    • Putting config files in a folder rather than root, where possible
  • I'm not 100% sure on the best place to handle client-side routes, but it looks from angular docs like that goes in the main module file.
  • Changed: I originally had folders for each component (controllers, directives, etc) within each module, but when I started working on the sleep module that seemed like overkill, so I've changed it: a folder for each component that will typically hold more than one file (tests, templates). Other components can be in a file.
├── app                               client-side code
│   ├── application.js                define and configure the angular application
│   ├── modules                       angular modules
│   │   ├── core                      core module for app-wide code
│   │   │   ├── core-controllers.js   angular controllers
│   │   │   ├── core-directives.js    angular directives
│   │   │   ├── core-services.js      angular services
│   │   │   ├── templates             angular templates (html with angular attributes/elements)
│   │   │   ├── img                   images
│   │   │   ├── styles                Sass and the bourbon mixin library for Sass
│   │   │   ├── tests                 tests for this module
│   │   │   └── core-module.js        defines and configures the model, including routes
│   │   └── users                     just as an example, we might have another module for handling users
│   │       ├── user-controllers.js
│   │       ├── user-services.js
│   │       ├── templates
│   │       ├── tests
│   │       └── user-module.js
│   │
│   └── bower_components               client-side external packages
│       ├── angular
│       ├── angular-route              gives us $routeProvider service
│       ├── angular-resource           gives us $resourceProvider service
│       └── d3                         if we end up using it
├── backend                            server-side code
│   ├── models                         mongoose schemas & models
│   ├── api                            REST api code for communication with front-end
│   ├── templates                      html pages served by express
│   │   ├── 404.html                   custom not found page
│   │   └── 500.html                   custom server error page
│   ├── tests                          tests for server-side code
│   └── router.js                      express router
├── views                              server-side handlebars templates. would ideally be inside backend
├── config                             application configuration (anything that doesn't need to be in root folder)
│   ├── config.js                      if we have any config we'd use outside of gruntfile (file globs etc)
│   └── karma.conf.js                  karma configuration (we can set up gruntfile so karma know to find conf file here)
├── dist                               processed, minified client-side code
├── db                                 local mongo database (.gitignored)
├── node_modules                       non-client-side deps (mostly dev deps)
├── bower.json                         define bower package dependencies
├── .bowerrc                           tell bower to install at app/bower_components
├── .gitignore                         don't version control db, node_modules, bower_components
├── Gruntfile.js
├── .jshintrc                          agreed upon linting rules for project
├── package.json                       npm dependencies
├── Procfile                           if we use heroku, tells it how to launch app
├── README.md
└── server.js                          create node/express server, connect to db