
Build APIs and consume them in React apps with complete type safety, optimistic mutations, and offline first functionality.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build APIs and consume them in React apps with complete type safety, optimistic mutations, and offline first functionality.


  • 💪 Based on Tanstack Query and Typebox, Koa, and openapi3-ts.

  • ✏️ Define your API models once and use them anywhere in your App, frontend or backend.

  • 🔒 Automatically validate request and response data against your defined model.

  • 👔 Optimistic mutations by default.

  • 📔 Automatically generates an OpenAPI schema describing your API as YAML or JSON.

  • 🔋 Deploy your API as microservice, or a modular monolith to AWS Lambda using our provided CDK construct.

  • 🏃 Run all of your services in a single process for local development. Deploy as separate services.


  npm install @tracktile/axiom



import { createModel, T } from "@tracktile/axiom";

// Declare a model to be used across your app.
export const User = createModel({
  name: "User",
  resource: "/users",
  model: T.Object({
    id: T.String(),
    name: T.String(),
    email: T.String(),
    enabled: T.Boolean(),
  create: T.Object({
    name: T.String(),
    email: T.String(),


import { createProcedure, T } from '@tracktile/axiom';
import { createUseApiHook, createApiProvider } from "@tracktile/axiom/client";

// Create a procedure
// Procedures are not cached and represent RPC calls
export const SendAlert = createProcedure({
  name: "SendAlert",
  method: "post",
  resource: "/events",
  params: T.Object({
    message: T.String(),
    time: T.String({ format: "date-time" }),
  result: T.Boolean(),

// Collect your models
  const models = { User }

// Collect your procedures
const fns = { SendAlert }

// Create an APIProvider based on your models
const ApiProvider = createApiProvider({ models, fns });

// Create a useApi hook based on your models
const useApi = createUseApiHook({ models, fn });

// Use them to access your API in your application!
// Queries are cached and retried automatically
// Mutations are optimistic by default and retry forever

const MyAwesomeComponent = () => {
  // Access stateful queries and mutations with accurate type safety, inferred from your models.
  const { data: users, isLoading: isLoadingUsers, dataUpdatedAt: usersUpdatedAt } = api.User.search();

  // Use offline first optimistic mutations
  const { mutate: createUser, isLoading: isCreatingUser} = api.User.create()

  // Invoke your bound RPC style calls
  const { run: sendAlert } = api.SendAlert.run({
    // And pass mutation options based on the call
    retry: true,

  return (
      <div>Fetched: {usersUpdatedAt}</div>
      <button onPress={() => createUser({
        name: 'My User',
        email: 'user@users.com',
      <button onPress={sendAlert}>Add</button>

const App = () =>
  <ApiProvider baseUrl="https://my.awesome.backend">


import { T } from "@tracktile/axiom";
import { Service, Controller, serverless } from "@tracktile/axiom/server";

const controller = new Controller({
  tags: ["example"],

    name: "CreateUser",
    method: "post",
    path: "/users",
    req: User.schemas.create,
    res: User.schemas.model,
  async (ctx, next) => {
    // ctx.request.body is validated and type inferred as User.schemas.create
    // Create and return the user
    return next();

const service = new Service({
  title: "example",
  description: "Example service",
  version: "1.0.0",
  controllers: [controller],

// Start a local server

// Or mount your API inside of an Lambda function
exports.handler = serverless(service);

Generate OpenAPI Documentation

axiom --in=./myService.ts --out=./my-api-schema.yaml --yaml
axiom --in=./myCombinedServices.ts --out=./my-api-schema.json --json


Small example project can be found in the example/ folder.
