Pulsar ETL

reads a pulsar topic (Avro OCF format). Does a simple transformation of temperature. Produces a new Avro OCF message and send it to another plusar topic.

  • go run cmd/produce/main.go
    • creates a Avro OCF message with 6 rows and writes it to my_input_topic
  • go run cmd/etl/main.go
    • reads a Avro OCF message from my_input_topic
    • unpacks the 6 rows
    • transforms the temperature from celcius to farenheit
    • repacks the rows in a new Avro OCF message
    • writes the new message to my_output_topic
  • go run cmd/consume/main.go
    • reads a Avro OCF message from my_output_topic
    • unpacks the 6 rows and displays them