
Set of tools that manage operations with tf2 currency.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Set of tools that manage operations with tf2 currency. Inspired by tf2-currencies made by Nicklason. Made as a drop in replacement for your plain currency object.

Advantages over tf2-currencies

  • Fully typed, written in typescript
  • Throughly tested, over 100 tests
  • More convenience methods for comparing/operating with currency


npm install tf2-currency or via yarn yarn add tf2-currency


Following classes, types and functions are exported:

export {
    Currency, // Currency class that manages operations
    CurrencyError, // Error thrown by Currency class
    ICurrency, // Interface for currency
    c, // Create Currency object faster
    fixCurrency, // Fix partial currency objects



new Currency(currency: ICurrency)
  • currency represents plain currency object such as { keys: 12, metal: 52.11 }
Currency.fromScrap(scrap: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Creates a Currency class from scrap value

  • scrap value you are creating currency from
  • conversion rate to be used to convert into keys
Currency.fromKeys(keys: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Creates a Currency class from key value

  • keys floating point number to create currency from
  • conversion rate to be used to convert into metal
    • Required if keys is not an integer

Currency.prototype.toScrap(conversion?: number): number

Converts currency to scrap

  • conversion to convert keys to scrap
    • Required if keys are present

Currency.prototype.toKeys(conversion?: number): number

Converts currency to keys

  • conversion to convert metal to keys
    • Required if metal is present

Currency.prototype.toString(): string

Builds a currency string readable for humans

Currency.prototype.toJSON(): ICurrency

Returns plain currency object for json serialization

Currency.prototype.addScrap(scrap: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Adds scrap value to the currency

  • scrap value you are adding to the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert exceeding metal value into keys

Currency.prototype.addMetal(metal: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Adds metal value to the currency

  • metal value you are adding to the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert exceeding metal value into keys

Currency.prototype.addKeys(keys: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Adds key value to the currency

  • keys value you are adding to the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert exceeding metal value into keys
    • Required if keys is not an integer

Currency.prototype.addCurrency(currency: ICurrency, conversion?: number): Currency

Adds currency value to the currency

  • currency value you are adding to the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert exceeding metal value into keys

Currency.prototype.removeScrap(scrap: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Removes scrap value from the currency

  • scrap value you are removing from the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert key into scrap
    • Required when we go to negative values with scrap

Currency.prototype.removeMetal(metal: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Removes metal value from the currency

  • metal value you are removing from the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert key into metal
    • Required when we go to negative values with scrap

Currency.prototype.removeKeys(scrap: number, conversion?: number): Currency

Removes key value from the currency

  • keys value you are removing from the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert key decimal to metal
    • Required when we go to negative values with scrap or when keys is not an integer

Currency.prototype.removeCurrency(currency: ICurrency, conversion?: number): Currency

Removes currency value from the currency

  • currency value you are removing from the currency
  • conversion rate to be used to convert key into metal
    • Required when we go to negative values with scrap

Currency.prototype.isEqual(currency: ICurrency): boolean

Compares current currency object with supplied one

  • currency we are comparing to

Currency.prototype.isBigger(currency: ICurrency): boolean

Compares current currency object with supplied one

  • currency we are comparing to

Currency.prototype.isSmaller(currency: ICurrency): boolean

Compares current currency object with supplied one

  • currency we are comparing to

Currency.prototype.isBiggerOrEqual(currency: ICurrency): boolean

Compares current currency object with supplied one

  • currency we are comparing to

Currency.prototype.isSmallerOrEqual(currency: ICurrency): boolean

Compares current currency object with supplied one

  • currency we are comparing to

c(currency: Partial): Currency

Creates Currency object

  • currency from which we are creating the object

fixCurrency(currency: Partial): ICurrency

Fixes partial currency object

  • currency we are fixing