
Type-safe extensions for the vertx eventbus

Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense

EventBus Service

EbService generates kotlin code that enables a type-safe way of using the Vert.x EventBus. The generated code eliminates the need of guessing which types are required by EventBus consumers and which types are produced by them.

On top of that, the generated functions avoid unnecessary serialization and deserialization by making use of a special EventBus codec.

Getting started

Imagine we have a service that can divide a double by another double.

We might model this service as follows:

interface DivisionService {
  suspend fun divide(dividend: Double, divisor: Double): Division

  sealed class Division {
    data class Success(val quotient: Double) : Division()
    data class Error(val message: String) : Division()

Next, we need to annotate this interface as follows:

interface DivisionService

This will generate two things

  • An implementation of this service (DivisionServiceImpl). This implementation forwards the parameters to subscribers of the generated properties.
  • An extension property to get the division requests:
    val Vertx.divideRequests: Flow<EventBusServiceRequest<DivisionRequest, Division>>
    Where DivisionRequest is a data class that wraps the two parameters.

This service is fully implemented in the example module.

Adding it to your project

Add the JitPack repository to your build script and include the following dependencies:

implementation 'com.github.wowselim.eventbus-service:eventbus-service-core:<latestVersion>'
kapt 'com.github.wowselim.eventbus-service:eventbus-service-codegen:<latestVersion>'

The latest version can be found in the releases section.