
Repository for building Codabix Docker images

Primary LanguageShell

Codabix Docker

We provide Codabix Docker images via the following Github packages repository:

You can find the images and documentation under https://github.com/Traeger-GmbH/codabix-docker/pkgs/container/codabix.

Note: The repository on Docker Hub is maintained for compatibility reasons only; we do not guarantee that there will be all versions/tags available forever.

Running the latest version

For running the latest image use the following commands.

Interactive mode

docker run -it -p 8181:8181 ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest

Detached mode

To run the container in detached mode (with docker run parameter -d instead of -it) you have to pass the additional parameter --run-as-service to enable daemon mode:

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service


Per default the directory /home/codabix/data will be used as project directory where Codabix will store its data. To persist this data independent of the Codabix container you can either use a docker volume or bind this directory to the filesystem of the host.

Using a volume

  1. Create a new volume that will hold the application data:
docker volume create codabix-data
  1. Mount the volume under the project directory path during the start of the Codabix container:
docker run -d -p 8181:8181 -v codabix-data:/home/codabix/data ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service

Bind to the host's filesystem

Instead of passing the name of a docker volume simply pass the path of the hosts directory as first part of the -v option. The Codabix process inside the container is run by the user codabix with user id 999 and group id 999. So you have to map the user (using the flag -u 999) to match the respective permissions on your file system.

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 -u 999 -v /path/to/hosts/directory:/home/codabix/data ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service

Using docker-compose

If you want to use docker-compose to run the application create a new file docker-compose.yml on your filesystem and copy and paste the following content.

version: "2"
    image: ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest
      - "8181:8181"
      - "codabix-data:/home/codabix/data"
      CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: StrongAdminPassword
      CODABIX_PROJECT_NAME: My Codabix project
    command:  --run-as-service

Running the docker-compose service

To start the service defined by the docker-compose.yml navigate into the directory where the file is located and run the following command:

docker-compose up

For detached mode pass the flag -d:

docker-compose up -d

Stopping the service


Executing the following command will remove the container and its corresponding resources but persist the volume that contains the data created by Codabix.

docker-compose down

Cleaning up

If you also want to remove the volume pass the -v option to the command:

docker-compose down -v

Restoring from a backup file

To restore the configuration from a Codabix backup file the file has to be accessible inside the container (e.g. by mounting its containing directory). An environment variable CODABIX_RESTORE_FILE is used to pass its path to the startup script.

The following command assumes that the backup file is located on the host's filesystem under the path /home/SomeUser/codabix/restore-file.cbx.

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 -v /home/SomeUser/codabix/restore-file.cbx:/home/codabix/restore-file.cbx --env CODABIX_RESTORE_FILE=/home/codabix/restore-file.cbx ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service

Enable access to peripherals

The following section describes the setup that is necessary to access hardware peripherals of the host system (e.g. i2C, USB, serial ports,...).

  • Mount the /dev directory as volume by passing the command line option -v /dev:/dev
  • Usually you need root privileges to access the hardware peripherals. As the default user that runs Codabix inside the docker container does not have these kind of privileges it is necessary to override this by -u root
  • In addition to that a container is not allowed to access any devices of the. So you have to explicitly give permission to that by passing --privileged
docker run -d -p 8181:8181 -u root -v /dev:/dev -v /path/to/hosts/directory:/home/codabix/data ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service

Please note: As this container now is executed as root user the files created on the host's filesystem will be owned by the root user and you need root or sudo privileges to remove or change them.

Example when using docker-compose:

version: "2"
    image: ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest
      - "8181:8181"
      - "codabix-data:/home/codabix/data"
      - "/dev:/dev"
      CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: StrongAdminPassword
      CODABIX_PROJECT_NAME: My Codabix project
    command:  --run-as-service
    user: root
    privileged: true

Codabix settings

Default settings

  • Default project directory: /home/codabix/data
  • Default admin password: admin
  • Default project name: data

Overriding the default settings

You can override the default settings by using environment variables passed with --env to the container on start.

  • Project directory: CODABIX_PROJECT_DIR
  • Admin password: CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  • Project name: CODABIX_PROJECT_NAME

For overriding e.g. the admin password with the value MySuperComplexPassword the container is run like follows:

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 --env CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD=MySuperComplexPassword ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest

NOTE: When running the Codabix image with persisted data (already existing application data from a previous run) overriding the admin password or the project name will have no effect.

Overriding more settings parameters

It is possible to override the default project settings by passing JSON data via the environment variable CODABIX_PROJECT_SETTINGS.

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 --env CODABIX_PROJECT_SETTINGS="{'ProjectName': 'My Codabix Project'}" ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest

This way you can e.g. use Codabix in a docker-compose stack with an MySQL back end database:

version: "2"
    image: ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest
      - "8181:8181"
      - "codabix-data:/home/codabix/data"
      - "db"
      CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: StrongAdminPassword
      CODABIX_PROJECT_NAME: My CoDaBix project
        { 'DatabaseMode': 'MySQL',
              'Hostname': 'db',
              'Database': 'codabix-backend',
              'Username': 'codabix',
              'Password': 'codabix'
    command:  --run-as-service
    image: mysql:latest
      - "db-data:/var/lib/mysql"
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example
      MYSQL_DATABASE: codabix-backend
      MYSQL_USER: codabix
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: codabix

Setting the license code

The license code used by Codabix inside the container is set via the environment variable CODABIX_LICENSE_CODE.

Attention: This environment variable has been introduced in Codabix v1.0 so it will only work for version upwards.

Example when using docker run (<your-license-code> represents your license code here):

docker run -d -p 8181:8181 -v codabix-data:/home/codabix/data -e CODABIX_LICENSE_CODE=<your-license-code> ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest --run-as-service

Example when using docker-compose (<your-license-code> represents your license code here):

version: "2"
    image: ghcr.io/traeger-gmbh/codabix:latest
      - "8181:8181"
      - "codabix-data:/home/codabix/data"
      CODABIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: StrongAdminPassword
      CODABIX_PROJECT_NAME: My CoDaBix project
      CODABIX_LICENSE_CODE: <your-license-code>
    command:  --run-as-service

Setting the license code in a running container

If you want to set the license code for a Codabix container that is already running and which was started without setting the CODABIX_LICENSE_CODE environment variable, you can execute the following command, where <container> refers to the running container's name or ID, and <your-license-code> represents your license code:

docker exec -u 0 <container> codabix license set <your-license-code>

The new license code should be recognized by Codabix a few seconds after running the command.

Note: As mentioned above, this only works if you didn't set the CODABIX_LICENSE_CODE environment variable when creating the container.

Building the image

During the build process the installer of Codabix will be downloaded from https://codabix.com and installed in the image.

Setting the Codabix version

To choose the Codabix version used in the image two environment variables in the Dockerfile have to be set accordingly:

    • This variable holds the version that shall be used for the image.
    • This variable corresponds to the release date of the version set in the VERSION variable.
  • Example:
    • For using Codabix v1.3.0 the variables have to be set as follows:
      • ENV VERSION 1.3.0
      • ENV RELEASE_DATE 2021-12-16