
Compare database schema with previous saved versions.

Primary LanguagePython


Compare database schema with previous saved versions. Changes are printed in the unified diff format.

Beware: this is a unstable version, it's possible that new versions aren't backwards compatible so you lose your saved database versions.

Current limitations

  • Only supports MySQL
  • Only shows changes in the table schema, not for triggers and views


usage: dbdiff [--help] [--database DATABASE] [--username USERNAME]
              [--password PASSWORD] [--host HOST] [--version VERSION] [--list]

dbdiff - Compare database schema with previous saved versions

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --database DATABASE, -d DATABASE
                        Database to use
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        User for login (default: root)
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Password for user
  --host HOST, -h HOST  Host to connect to (default: localhost)
  --version VERSION, -v VERSION
                        The database version
  --list                listing of all the saved versions.

Work in progress

This tool is still in progress. If you want a feature to be added, please let me know or send a pull request.


[ ] Documentation
[ ] Use subcommands in the ArgumentParser for simpler usage
[ ] Compare views
[ ] Multi DB-driver support
[ ] Add option to ask for password
[ ] Use a config file for the database credentials
[ ] Limit the number of versions to keep (configurable)
[ ] Compare triggers
[ ] Create a deb package

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