
A case for Oxidation with Rust-Lang...and the Future of Serverless with WEB Assembly WASM... A primer in rust programming and systems programming

Primary LanguageRust

Introduction to Rust Programming

  • Created by Mozilla Devs
  • Good for chat clients,games,servers
  • System Programming Candidate
  • Designed for easy simple multithreading to address common issues faced by programmers
  • C/C++ family code blocks delimited with {}.
  • Strict types language
  • LLVM Based
  • Comparable to CYCLONE a programming language without a garbage collector
  • High Level Abstraction
  • Build System
  • Data Race Free (!?)


ref:A case for Oxidation <Memory Safety>
ref:<Getting started with Rust>
ref:See Screenshots <Screenshots>

A Case for Oxidation (Rust)

Memory Safety

Dereferences always succeed, always points to values of a correct type if r:&Foo then * r is always equal to Foo - No dangling pointers

  • No access after memory free
  • Forced Initialization+ Restricted aliasing+ Ownership = memory safety

All at compile-time

Aliasing Is hard! avoid segmentation faults like in C/C++ So we restrict aliasing so only 1 mutable alias or N immutable aliases


let x=Person("Tralah");
let y=&x;
let z=&x;
//let z=x;  would fail as x is already borrowed
/* Ownership
 *let x=32;
 *let y=x;
 *let z=x;fails as x already belongs to y


Not supported natively by the language because of the safe mem feature of Rust Only Provided by Third Party Libraries which do this by using a concept of unsafe nemory or unsafe rust.

  • Minimal Runtime
  • StrongType System
  • Performance

Why Should we Care?

We want secure systems We want the right tools C/C++ is old and ill designed, have to write Makefiles and toolchains Prevents us from doing the wrong things Good for writing System Software Guaranteed Security


Memory safety without garbage collection No data races

Getting started with Rust

  • Data types are immutable by default
  • WASM webassembly
  • cargo package manager for Rust
# The Rust Compiler
rustc --version
# The Package Manager|Build Tool
cargo --version

Functions and Macros

// C like Comments
   * Line
fn main(){
fn add(x: &int,y: &int){
   println!("{} + {} = {}",x,y,x+y);


cargo new project_name
cd project_name
#Cargo.toml, src,
cargo run build
# OR
cargo run

Variables,Types and Such

let x=32;//immutable
let mut y=32;//mutable
println!("x= {} \n y={}",x,y);//macros
//x=43; causes error as x is immutable
y=231;//is ok as y is mutable
  • Integers 1
  • Floats 2.3
  • Booleans true || false
  • Strings[Characters]

Basic Types, Loops

let dyn_math= 8*8-2+221;

const NAME:str="Tralah M Brian";
const ID: i32 =001;

pritnln!("Dynamic math {}",dyn_math);

let my_array=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7];

let my_tuple=(,42,34.3,"tralah");

let (dyn_x,dyn_y,dyn_z)=my_tuple;//tuple unpacking as python

// Array Indexing

// Array Looping
for i in my_array.iter(){


https://crates.io Third Party Libraries for

  • Games
  • Math
  • Networks
  • Graphics [ OpenGL ]


Web Framework written is rust makes it secure by avoiding

  • XSS,

  • Directory Travesals,

    fn retrieve(user: User,pid: PastebinId){
  • Remote Code Exec

  • Sql Injection

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • CORS

  • Mosconfiguration

  • Input Validation

