
DenseVoxNet in TensorFlow

Primary LanguagePython


An implementation of DenseVoxNet introduced in TensorFlow.

Link to the original paper: Automatic 3D Cardiovascular MR Segmentation with Densely-Connected Volumetric ConvNets, MICCAI 2017


This repository includes the code (training and testing) for DenseVoxNet. The code is based on 3D-CNN for volumetric segmentation.


python 2.7.x
tensorflow >= 1.4.0


  1. Download HVSMR dataset (phase 2) and put them in folder data.
  2. Prepare the hdf5 data to train the model.
cd DenseVoxNet-tensorflow
#modify parameters in prepare_h5_data.py file
python prepare_h5_data.py
  1. Train the model
#the parameter of --mode in train.py need to be "train"
python train.py
  1. Test the model
#the parameter of --mode in train.py need to be "test"
python train.py


  author = {Yu, Lequan and Cheng,Jie-Zhi and Dou, Qi and Yang, Xin and Chen, Hao and Qin, Jing and Heng, Pheng-Ann},
  title = {Automatic 3D Cardiovascular MR Segmentation with Densely-Connected Volumetric ConvNets},
  Journal = {MICCAI},
  year = {2017}