
Simple trac macro plugin

Primary LanguagePython


Simple trac(http://trac.edgewall.org/) plugin.

Adds a wiki macro [[Projects]] which lists projects, and links to wiki pages describing the projects in more detail, and any tickets for the projects. Adds a wiki macro [[Components]] which lists and describes the project's components, and links to wiki pages describing the components in more detail, and any tickets for the components. The optional project_filter parameter is a regex that can be used to filter components by project name. Work only with http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/SimpleMultiProjectPlugin . Based on http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/ComponentsProcessorMacro , thanks to terry_n_brown@yahoo.com



  1. build egg:
  • git clone --progress -v "https://github.com/Tramort/tracprojectsprocessor.git" "tracprojectsprocessor"
  • cd tracprojectsprocessor
  • python setup.py bdist_egg
  1. copy egg file from "tracprojectsprocessor/dist" to "plugins" dir in trac enviroment