A curated list of awesome programming tutorials: book, blog, course...
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- Androidhive - Really helpful blog for Android developers.
- Mindorks - All About Android App Development.
- Simplified Coding - Learn a lots android tricks from there.
- Android Instagram Clone - A step-by-step guide to build your own Android Instagram Clone (Email Authentication, Database, Cloud-Storage)
- AndroidPub - The Pub(lication) for Android & Tech, focused on Development
- Kotlin Academy - Site with mission to simplify Kotlin learning
- EDMT Dev - One of best Android channel on Youtube
- CSS Tricks - Over the years, CSS-Tricks has come to become a site about all things web design and development.
- Flexbox CSS - A simple, free 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox!
- Grid CSS - From fundamentals to real world in about 4 hours.
- Deep Learning Book - A bestseller book about Deep Learning, written by top experts of AI. Really recommend this.
- Deep Learning Andrew Ng - A course from top expert of AI - Andrew Ng
- Deep Learning A-Z - A bestseller Deep Learning course on Udemy. Learn to create Deep Learning Algorithms in Python.
- Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research - Stanford University: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Stanford University: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- Exploring ES6 - Upgrade to the next version of Javascript
- egghead.io
- Javascript30 - Build 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials - No frameworks x No Compilers x No libraries x No boilerplate
- JavaScript Tutorial from W3School - This tutorial will teach you JavaScript from basic to advanced.
- jQuery Tutorial from W3School - jQuery greatly simplifies JavaScript programming.
- Pro Git - The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub and published by Apress
- Machine Learning Mastery - Learn a lots trick from there. Good blog for Machine Learning
- Towards Data Science - Sharing concepts, ideas and codes about Data Science.
- Machine Learning Andrew Ng - A course from top expert of AI - Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning A-Z - A bestseller Machine Learning course on Udemy.
- Awesome React - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- Real world React apps - Learn from React apps written by experienced developers.
- React Training - Learn From React Community Leaders
- Redux - Getting Started with Redux.
- React Hooks - Getting Started with React Hooks
- Awesome React Native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
- Sello - Blog about rails.
- Ruby On Rails - Tutorials and opinions about development in Ruby on Rails. I found a lots great articles in there.
- Devwalks Blog - Found a lots awesome stuff in there. For example like building Instagram by Rails
- Rails 5 Tutorail - One of the most popular resources for Rails developers (Free)
- Let's Build Instagram With Ruby on Rails - Let's build an Instagram clone with Ruby on Rails!
- Ruby on Rails Guides - These guides are designed to make you immediately productive with Rails..
- RailsCasts - Learn a lots of trick, useful things from there.(Free)
- GoRails - A new version of RailsCasts, really good content from begin to advance(Free + Pro)
- Leo's Courses - Learning by create real startup(Free + project based)
- Alligator - Not just about Vue. This blog is all about front-end.
- A Killer Vue.js Blog Demo: Launch in 2 Hours Tops
- Vuejs Developers - Vue.js Developers' mission is to up your skill and knowledge of Vue.js and related tools, beyond what's in the official documentation.
- Made with Vue - A collection of projects made with vue.js
- Vue Cookbook - Form Validation, Dockerize Vue App...